My hand was bleeding bad and I could feel pain coming from it. But nothing was worse than then my heart smashing.

Elena's POV:

I came around to Alexis's house this morning. Last night she went to go see Damon with Jeremy, but Jeremy said Alexis said he wasn't there and then she went all quiet on him. I wasn't sure if anything was up with Alexis, but I had the feeling something was wrong.

As I got to her house, I knocked but no-one answered. Alexis had to be here, because this is where Jeremy dropped her off. "Hello" I said more louder, but no-one still answered. I turned the knob and the door opened up. I walked in and up to Alexis's room.

Halfway up the stairs, I could hear someone crying. I got closer and closer and then went to Alexis's room. As I opened the door I found Alexis up against the wall with a bloody hand. Blood was all over the floor and I saw where she had punched the mirror, along with everything else she smashed too.

She was a mess. I have never seen Alexis like this before. Sure she would cry and all of that, but to take her anger or whatever it was out on other things and then to cut her hand open. It was horrifying. "Oh my god, Alexis are you okay, what's wrong?" I said worried kneeling next to her.

She didn't answer me. She just sat there and cried. I then took her into my arms, as she rested her head against my chest. "It's okay Lex, I'm here, it's okay" I said soothing her. I brushed the back of her head while she continued to cry. She soon calmed down a bit and I helped her up.

"Come on Lex, you have to get you to the doctors" I said walking her out. She didn't refuse at all, and she let me lead her the way.

As I got to the car, I helped her in the passenger seat straight away and then called Stefan to meet me at the hospital straight away. I then hoped in and drove off.

We soon arrived at the hospital and went straight in. The doctors to Alexis in and stitched up her hand while I waited in the waiting room. I pace up and down the waiting room and then look up to see Stefan walking towards me with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, what happened" he asked as he embraced me with a hug. "It's Alexis, she smashed her mirror with her hand and it's all cut open. I went to her house and found her crying. She smashed all her things and I don't know Stefan" I told him.

"It's okay Elena, don't worry, it'll all be fine" he said rubbing the back of my neck. He waited with me until Alexis came out.

After a long half hour, Alexis finally came out holding her hand. She had a sorry look on her face and didn't look at Stefan or me once. She kept her head down and walked over to us. "It's all stitched up" Lex said with her head still down.

"Alexis, what happened?" I asked her. "Nothing Elena" she said to me and started walking off. "Alexis" I sighed pulling her back.

"I'm serious Elena, nothing happened. I just lost my frustration and took it out on everything else" she said wiping a tear away from her face.

"Let's just get you home" I said to her. "Can we go see Dad first?" she asked softly and I nodded.

We walked up to where Uncle Paul was. I waited outside with Stefan, while Alexis went in. I then turned to Stefan and spoke. "Stefan, something's wrong. Alexis wouldn't do what she did, she wouldn't smash in a mirror. Do you think maybe you could get through to her?" I asked him with hope.

"I don't know Elena, I mean if you couldn't get through to here, then I doubt anyone else could. But I'll try" he said rubbing my back.

Alexis came back out and kept her head lowered."I'm ready to go now" she said to us. "Okay, but Stefan's going to take you home Lex. I have to go do something." I told her and then looked up to Stefan who just nodded.

Alexis's POV:

I walked with Stefan to his car and we then left the hospital. I don't know why I didn't tell Elena about what happened. I mean I tell her everything and yet I didn't tell her that. But right now, I haven't to try and be happy. Chris is leaving for college in like less than a week. Aunt Jenna, Chris, Elena, Jeremy and I were meant to drive up to see family before he leaves. But I don't think I'll be able too.

As I got home, Stefan walked me in and we went up to my room. I looked around and saw all the damage I had done. All my things were smashed and things were thrown everywhere and then I looked over to where the mirror was smashed and saw blood and shattered glass surrounding it.

I sighed and started to pick up all the things I threw. "Alexis, what's wrong? What's the matter?" Stefan asked me. "I already told you, I just got frustrated" I said to him.

Well it was true, I did get frustrated, I got frustrated with myself. I got frustrated with everything that happened. I just didn't tell them exactly why. I didn't tell them the rest of the story. How could I though?

"Alexis, tell me" Stefan said to me, but I didn't pay attention to what he was saying. I heard the sound of a car outside and went over to the window to see who it was. As I looked out I saw Damon get out off his car, I turned straight around to Stefan and spoke.

"Stefan, if you get Damon out of here, make him go away. I will tell you. Just please get him to leave" I pleaded.

He looked at me confused, but then went downstairs and I'm guessing he was going to do as I asked. Once Stefan left, I just the door and fell down it. I cradled my legs up towards me and buried my hands in my face, lying them on my knees. I let all tears come spilling out. I couldn't believe I was crying over him. I didn't want to let one more tear shed for Damon, yet that is exactly what was happening.

Every single one of these tears were shedding for him, because of him.

I Love You - A Damon Salvatore Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now