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*John POV*

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

I remain silent, staring at the blood that has created a new pattern on my hands. He kneels beside me, carefully pulling me into a hug in an attempt to calm me down.


"In here Myc."

Mycroft walks in a few seconds later, sitting on the floor beside us.

"What happened?"

"John panicked."

"He nearly killed someone else."

"I know. He didnt mean to. Hes sick, and scared. We need to get him moved to a hospital, there probably isn't enough time to wait for Sherlock before John gets much worse."

"Alright. Can you take him down? I...I want to make sure Sherlock is okay."

"Of course. I'll message you when we get there, alright?"

"Thank you. Be careful."

Greg pulls me to my feet, guiding me down the corridor and stairs until we reach the front door.

"Wh...where is Sherlock?"

"Being taken care of. Come on, we need to get you to the hospital."

I reluctantly sit down, falling asleep as we begin the long drive to the hospital.

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