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*Sherlock POV*

"Get off, please."

"What's wrong Sherly?"

"I just don't want you lying on top of me right now."

I flinch when Jim gets up, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Look at me."

Jim is watching me closely, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up.

"What's wrong with you tonight?"


"Speak up."

I go silent again, wriggling away from his grasp and pressing myself against the wall. He watches me closely, frowning slightly until he gets off the bed and runs out of the room. I shift, wincing as I realize I still shouldnt be moving. He's hitting me again, my chest and stomach are covered in bruises and shallow cuts from earlier tonight.

"Here, this should help."

Jim grabs my hand roughly, pushing a needle into my wrist and injecting me with something.

"Are...are you sure that's the proper...proper amount?"

"Don't question me."

"I want to leave, please."

He slaps me across the face, glaring at me.

"You don't decide these things, that was the agreement. Protection in exchange for your freedom."

"I...I want out. Please. I want out of the deal."

Jim tips his head at me, smirking slightly.

"I don't think so Sherly. You need me, and you know you do."

I flinch when he moves again, accidentally hitting my head on the wall.

"Don't hurt yourself like that."

Jim reaches up, gently pulling me away from the wall.

"Lie down, get some sleep."

I lie back on the bed, curling up and closing my eyes. Sleep doesn't come, especially not after Jim lies down beside me. He tells me this is how things should be, that whatever I'm 'feeling' is love. At first I believed him, but now its more like an addiction than emotion. I need to keep coming back, need him for the drugs. The adrenaline fix. I haven't found anything else to make me feel like this, the constant feeling of my heart pounding in my chest every time he moves. Mycroft says its fear, I say its nothing more than a pastime. A wild craving for danger of some sort, the only thing better is drugs. The door opens slowly, Mycroft poking his head in.


"Is he in there?"

I try to sit up, cursing when I realize my limbs aren't functioning properly due to the drugs.


My voice is too soft, he can't hear me, but they come into the room anyways.



He turns, waving John in when he sees me.

"Fucking hell Sherlock! How many times have I told you-"

"Just shut up. Go away. I can't...I cant move."

"Because you're bloody high again."

"So what if I am? Now go away before you wake him up."

"He's doing it again, isn't he?"

I wince, struggling to stop the shaking before it gets too noticeable.

"Damn it Sherlock! You're leaving, now."

" please Mycroft. Please dont."

Mycroft grabs my arm, pulling me out of the bed roughly.

"You are going home. All the way home."

"No. Wait...Mycroft stop it. You're hurting me...cut it out."

I manage to wriggle away from him, falling hard to the ground.

"Fucking hell, you're actually high. How much?"

Mycroft grabs my wrist when I shake my head, pinning my arm to the wall and holding it flat.

"You didn't want to get high this time, did you Sherlock?"

He grabs my right arm, cursing when he sees the needle marks along my wrist.

"He did this to you."

"I asked him to."

"No you didn't."

"Yes, I did. Now fuck off and leave us alone. I dont want you waking him up."

Mycroft pulls me to my feet, dragging me out of the room. John follows silently, closing the door behind us. I fall when Mycroft releases my arm, hitting the gravel hard.

"Get in the car. Stop being difficult and ill let you stay in school."

I pick myself up shakily, climbing in the back seat and lying down. John sits carefully beside me, flinching when I lie my head in his lap.

"Are you alright?"

"Shut up."

He nods, gently playing with my hair as I fall asleep.

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