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*Sherlock POV*

"Sherlock? Come on, wake up love. Please."

Someone is shaking me gently, crying out for me to wake up. I sit up suddenly, accidentally hitting John.

"Thank God you're alright. I thought...I thought I had...had lost you."

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

He has something tied tightly around my midsection, my shirt discarded and on the floor beside us.

"I had to stop the bleeding."

"Oh. Are...are you okay?"

John starts crying, burrying his face against my shoulder.


I wrap my arms around him again, shivering in the cold air.

"Sorry. Let me...let me find you a shirt. Yours is soaked in blood, I don't...dont want you getting...getting sick."

He gets up quickly, clearly fighting the pain as he walks out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Found you a coat."

John comes back soon after, coat draped around his shoulders and a glass of water in his hands.


I push myself up carefully, wincing as the pain floods though my body.

"I've got it. Relax, please. Sherlock stop it, youre making it worse."

John pins me to the wall, wrapping me in the coat and sitting beside me.

"Drink this."


"Its just water. Please Sherlock."

"I said no."

"I'm trying to get us both out of here alive. Now stop being difficult and let me help you. See?"

He raises the glass to his lips, draining half of it before trying to hand it to me. I wait what feels like about ten minutes and, after no adverse reactions are had, I let John hand me the glass and drink it quickly.

"Not so fast, I dont want you to throw up."

I nod, but drain the glass anyways.

"How do you feel?"

"It hurts."

"I know. Lie down, try to get some sleep and I'll see what I can figure out."

"Landline is disconnected."

"How do you-"

"I tried it while you were sleeping. I...I think Jim might have his...his mobile. In his pocket."

"Do you want me to go check?"

"No! Please don't go back there."

"Alright. Okay, ill stay right here."

I lean against Johns side, relaxing as soon as he starts running his hands through my hair.

"Its alright, go to sleep."



"Are...are we going die?"

"No. We won't, not here. I swear to you Sherlock, I'll get you out of here."

I nod slightly, letting John wrap his arms around me as I fall asleep.

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