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*Sherlock POV*

"You cant go in yet, they need to remove the bullet."

"Please, that's my brother. I...I need to see him."

"I'm sorry sir, I cant let you back yet."

Soemone wraps their arms around my waist, gently pulling me backwards.

"Are you alright love?"

"They...they shot Mycroft and...and John."

"But you're not hurt?"

I turn, facing Jim and letting him see my face.

"They got you too?"


"Are you alright though?"

I shake my head, still trying to think through the drug induced haze. Jim grabs my wrist, pulling me roughly into the waiting room.


I do as he tells me to, sitting quickly in one of the double seats.

"Get some sleep, I don't want you passing out after they leave."

Jim sits across from me, studying my face closely before he grabs his mobile and leaves.


"Stay there, I need to make a quick call."

John comes in a few minutes later, immediately walking over and kneeling beside me.


"You're still here?"



"I couldnt find you, and they said Mycroft wasnt out yet, so I'm waiting. Ad long as you're waiting, ill wait with you."

I smile sadly, managing to repress the urge to flinch when John reaches up and lightly traces along where the bullet grazed my face.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sherlock, I'm fine. Have you heard anything about Mycroft yet?"

"They're pulling the bullet out now."

John still hasnt moved back, hand still resting on my cheek. I dont move, catching myself staring at Johns face for a few seconds longer than nessisary before I glance away.

"He's coming back."

My voice is soft, almost startling John as he scrambles back and sits across the aisle from me.

"Sherlock, love, get some sleep."

I wince, fighting the urge to flinch when Jim sits beside me. He drapes his coat over my shoulders, smiling softly as I curl up in the chair. John watches us out of the corner of his eye, wincing when Jim reaches down and runs his fingers through my hair. I lie still, eventualy managing to fall asleep.

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