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*Sherlock POV*

"I got expelled again."

"I know."

We're in Mycrofts car, driving slowly back home from another disappointing day at school.

"What did you do this time?"

"Blew something up in the lab."



"And what do you intend to do about this when we get home?"

"I'm...I'm not sure."

"Father comes home today."

"Yeah, that's what I'm not sure about."

"Just let it happen."


"I don't want to have to pull you out again. Just let him do it, its the only way for him to calm down."

"Does it have to be at my risk?"

"You always have been the problem child. After...nevermind."

"After what?"

"I said nevermind."


"Sherlock, don't. You know how mummy hates it when you ask too many questioms."

"You're not mummy."

"So I dont have to answer them."

I slouch down in my seat, leaning against the window and watching the houses roll past. We sit in the car for a while before Mycroft turns it off, grabbing our bags and shuffling slowly up to the house.

"Go up to your room. Hes not home yet."

Mycroft pushes me up the stairs, going to his room as I shuffle into mine.

"Sherlock, are you in there?"

"Yes mum."

My door opens, and, much to my disappointment, mother walks in to speak with me.

"What happened? I got a call from your principal today, she said the school had to be evacuated again."

"Blew up the science lab."

The front door opens, adding to the sense of dread that already smothers me. My father takes his time coming up the stairs, each step making me flinch.


"Go mum, just leave. Take Redbeard and Mrs. Hudson."

She looks at me in fear, hugging me tightly before turning around and leaving.


I flinch, backing up quickly as my father throws open my door.


My voice is hardly a whisper, nothing compared to the pained screams he is able to tear from my throat.

"You fucking idiot! You appriciate nothing we do for you!"

I scream again, begging Mycroft to help me. He doesn't come, but a blur of red fur and barred teeth fly in and suddenly my father is on his back. Redbeard yelps suddenly, whimpering as my father throws him off of his chest and he is slammed against the post of my bed. He doesn't get back up again, dragging himself under the bed and lying still. I try to get up, to move away from my father, but he turns and grabs me by the back of my shirt.

"You aren't going anywhere, not until I'm done with you!"

"Get off of me!"

Heavy footsteps come down the hall, followed by the weight being lifted off of my back. Something drops heavily, scaring me again. The weight returns, as does the infliction of more pain, Mycroft must have gotten himself hurt.


"He can't save you, not this time."

"Get off of me!"

I start squirming around, struggling to offset the heavy weight of my father.

"Please...please stop it!"

I'm struggling to breathe, my movements becoming slower until I suddenly find that I cannot move. His weight is lifted again, and suddenly I can breathe again. I still cant move, but someone flips me onto my back and pins me down by my wrists above my head.


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