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*Sherlock POV*

"Hey babe, what's wrong?"

"He won't stop."

"Who won't stop what?"

"John. He won't stop. He wont leave me alone."

"What do you need?"

"I need more. Please."

"Alright. Ill be right down, just stay in your room."

"Thank you."

Jim chuckles, hanging up after promising again that he would be here soon. I curl up in a ball, rocking slowly back and forth as I wait for my door to open.

"Sherlock, love, get up."

I jump up, flinching when Jim reaches out towards me.

"Relax, its just me. How are you feeling?"

"Withdrawl is starting. I...I need something. Anything. Please."

Jim nods, setting his bag down on my bed and chuckling as I tear through it to find my favourite drugs.

"Slow down babe, dont want another overdose."

I sit back, hands shaking as I slowly push the needle into my arm and inject myself.

"Brought you something else."

He grabs my wrist, flipping my hand over and giving me something new.

"What are they?"

"Do you trust me?"

I nod slowly, studying the pills closely.


Jim uncaps a bottle, handing it to me with a grin on his face. I smell it, wrinkling my nose at the strong fumes of alcohol.

"Drink some love."

I slowly raise the bottle to my lips, tipping my head back and swallowing the pills.

"All of it."

"I dont like it."

"And? You called me down for help, just trust me. Alright?"

He is watching me closely, smirking when I take another small sip. The bottle is gone soon, followed by a few more as the drugs are strengthened. Jim sits down eventually, clearing off a spot on my bed and leaning against the wall. I gently take the bottle from his hands, drinking that as well.

"There you go. See? I told you this would help. Do you want to know what else would help?"


Jim pulls me into his lap, biting my neck and sucking gently. I lean into his touch, too high and drunk to resist.

"Do you want more?"

I hum in agreement, grinning when Jim pulls more drugs out of his bag and gently pushes the needle beneath my skin.

"How does that feel?"


"Not yet love."

"Please...I want more."

"I'm not letting you overdose darling."


"I said no. Come back over here."

Jim pulls me back into his lap, his hands slowly unbuttoning my shirt. I wince slightly, drawing in a sharp breath when he pushes me off of his lap and pins me to the mattress.


"Relax darling, I'm not going to hurt you too badly tonight."

"No...stop please Jim. I...I dont want to do anything tonight."

"Shhh...stop squirming."

I lie still, not wanting to upset him any further.

"There you go..."

He leans down, kissing me roughly as he finishes stripping my shirt off. I shiver as the air hits my bare chest, instantly pressing against Jim as much as I can.

"What's wrong love?"

"Its...its cold."

"You're fine."

I whimper softly, trying to push Jim off of me.

"Get off...please."


He starts toying with the zip on my trousers, smirking as he pulls them off of me.


"Stop squirming."


"Shhh...its alright."

"P...please. Get...get off of me. Please. I...I don't want...dont want to."

Jim kisses me again, gently biting my neck.


He doesn't respond, continuing to touch me as I try to offset him. My body isnt responding well anymore, I'm far too drunk for that, adding to the sense of panic that threatens to overtake me.

"I said to stop squirming!"

Jim hits me suddenly, rolling off of me and pulling his shirt back on as he packs up his stuff.

"No...please...I need more...dont leave me here! Please!"

"You ruined that for yourself. I'm not providing for a few weeks, not until you figure out what you want at least. You consented to this, its all in the agreement you made to me."

"I...I want out."

"You'll regret that darling."

Jim zips up his bag, slipping on his shoes before slamming the door shut and leaving.

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