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Woozi started to get used to it. Sometimes he caught himself almost forgotten about (y/n). Everything was almost the same as before she appeared.

Until a text came.

One single sentence, nothing more.

But it made Woozi lose focus again. He started to think about her again.

"Can you meet me at the cafe close to the Pledis building, where we went when we first met?"

He wasn't sure why but this made his heart flutter a bit. At the memories of the old days when he used to saw (y/n) almost everyday.

It made him remember how happy he became when he saw her.

And now after so long, he wanted to feel this happiness again.

⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰

Jihoon walked into the cafe in the morning. It was maybe around seven in the morning but he felt so awake. He had a big smile on his face, hidden behind a face mask that protected him from cold air that came to Seoul.

The cafe was almost completely empty, only few workers getting ready for a busy day at work and few older people that probably stopped by before work for some coffee.

He sat down by the table in the corner of the room, where he could keep an eye on everything that was happening in the room. He took of his jacket and lowered his face mask from his nose, so he could breath a bit better.

After few minutes a waiter came to him and asked if he wants to order something. He thought for a bit before ordering himself coffee. And when the waiter started to leave he thought of something.

'Excuse me, can I also have hot tea?' he asked the waiter. The worker turned around, a bit surprised but he nodded his head and wrote his order in his notepad.

Jihoon smiled to himself, already excited for the meeting he was hoping would happen soon.

⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰

The cup of a tea sat in front of Woozi, untouched. It has already turned cold and he couldn't help but stare at it, not really sure what to do with it. He already finished his coffee and now was leaning on his arm, spaced out.

He was so focused on this small cup that he didn't notice when the doors to the cafe opened. A little bell sounded through the room, catching attention of the workers that looked up to see who is their new customer.

And it was (y/n), dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans, oversized shirt covered by a bomber jacket and a hat that was keeping her hair in place. She walked into the warm cafe with a small smile on her face and looked around. It didn't take her long to spot Jihoon, sitting at the furthest corner of the room.

She skipped toward the table and pulled out a chair that was in front of Woozi, which brought his attention to her. He looked up from the cold tea cup and his eyes met with (y/n)'s.

She sent him a wide smile and sat down in front of him. She expected him to greet her but he could only look at her, not believing that he is really seeing her again.

'Hi.' she finally said to him. He was still looking at her but he answered a quiet greetings back. And after that they felt into silence again.

Finally after maybe few minutes of thinking Jihoon decided to start talking. He knew he was probably acting strange, not saying anything to her after so long. So he took a breath and opened his mouth to say something.

'How have yo--'

'I'm leaving.' (y/n) interrupted before he could even finish his sentence. He looked at her with his eyes wide, and mouth still open. But no words sounded from him.

'I know it may sound a bit random and well weird, but I just wanted to say my goodbyes to you.' (y/n) continued, looking him straight into the eyes, smile still not leaving her face.

'Whaa...' Woozi finally managed to speak but again was silenced by (y/n).

'And I know that I may look like a bad person here, but that's just how I am. You probably won't be able to understand...' she said, her eyes finally lowering.

'Why would you leave?' he asked quickly, not wanting her to interrupt him again.

The girl looked him in the eyes again, but not answered immediately. She had to think of how to answer.

'I can never stay in one place, you know?' she said. He was looking at her not really sure how to react to her words.

They sat in silence for next few minutes, neither knowing what to say. (y/n) moved her gaze outside the window, observing people walking by the cafe, while Jihoon was again spaced out again.

And after few minutes (y/n) looked back at Jihoon before she stood up from her seat. Woozi looked up at her, not expecting her to do it. She looked him in the eyes ahain and smiled.

'Thank you for everything, Jihoon... You made me experience love again.' she said happily before turning around and walking out of cafe, leaving him alone again.

He didn't know how to react to that. He lowered his eyes to the tea cup that was still in front of him, still untouched. Still left alone.

⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰


So ummm here's the last chapter of this story...

I'm sorry for not uploading for so long but I had like a writing block and wasn't able to think of anything. 

Also there will be an epilogue posted too!

harmony // lee jihoon x reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now