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Author's note
I was thinking about writing a chapter where I explain things about how I see the main female character. So I wanted to ask you guys if you would like to see how I imagine her.
Leave your opinion! ^^

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When the next day came, (y/n) came back to the company as if nothing happened. She walked through of the company with a smile on her face, cold drink in her hand and head bopping to the music she was listening through headphones. As if nothing happened.

She walked toward the the room where all employees, including artist had their own small locker. She passed by her own and toward the one with a name "LEE JIHOON" written on it. She looked around and when she didn't notice anyone she opened the locker and put in a small bag, that contained now washed shirt that he borrowed her before.

Then she quickly left the room and headed toward one of the studios. She got a mail week earlier from the vice president of Pledis, Kim YeonSoo, where he gave her opportunity to have her own studio. And she happily chose the one small studio that was her favourite.

As she opened the doors to studio, she took a deep breath. A smile never leaving her lips. She felt a little better knowing that one of her main tasks given was finished with a result she was happy with. The only think she was now worried about was how the members of Seventeen and vice president will react.

She actually felt a little uneasy about it, since she got no reply from Woozi the day before. She was almost sure that he saw that mail and actually was beginning to think that he didn't reply to not hurt her feelings about her work.

But she tried to stay positive. Afterall she tried and if the style didn't suit them, she was sure she would find an use for it sooner or later. The only thing that was actually worrying her were lyrics.

When she talked with Woozi before they both agreed on summer love/adventures motive. But the problem is, this was something that she was unfamiliar with.

She never felt the need or urge to find love. She believed that it's something that is not necessary in life and if it comes it comes, and when not then you're left alone. Not big deal.

But this thing definitely blocked her from ability to talk about it. She tried to watch some movies that focused on summer love, but she only found them boring and too cringy.

The theme of adventures also wasn't the best for her. Since she always preferred a quiet life with no sudden changes, she couldn't write anything realistic.

When it came to creating music she could experience certain melodies or sounds by simply listening to them. It was much easier than coming up with something brand new.

That's why she decided to just give up! She made a plan to just talk with Woozi about it and explain to him that she won't be able to help with writing lyrics, without making a fool of herself.

(y/n) sat in the chair and switched the computer on. She then proceeded to sent all of her work, that she did at home, to the device in the studio.

She looked at the bar as the percentage of files sent was rising. She sipped her drink, humming an unknown melody. She actually was proud of the amount of work she managed to do in those two weeks.

She had an audio for title song ready to check, and two other song almost completely finished. She was almost halfway through the whole basics of the album making just after about a month.

The girl was so deep into her thoughts that she didn't realize that someone actually entered the studio. And not just one somebody... but a whole bunch of somebodies...

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