Chapter 18| Suicidal Mission

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"I'll talk to her," Erza said as they walked towards a large brown building, the only building Lucy had seen that looked ominous. "Maybe if I inform her of everything she'll more then likely agree."

"Okay, good idea." Jellal nodded his head, "don't leave any parts unsaid. She has to know everything."

Erza nodded and walked inside alone.

The walk to the building wasn't long, Lucy quickly learnt that none of the communities were too far, but still most people don't know each other in different areas and most look different.

The north had many different haired colored people; Erza, Natsu, Jellal, Juvia for example. While the south was said to have mostly blondes and purple headed people. The west had brunettes and the east had a lot of ginger haired people, they mostly breed together to have more red heads since their hair was rare back then.

"How do you think this Levy girl will react?" Lucy asked. Natsu shrugged, "I'm not sure, she has different personalities. One of the reasons she sleeps in the back of this building."

"I've never met someone with multiple personalities," Lucy said as she stared at Erza and a blue headed girl walking down the steps to greet them.

"You will now." Natsu said as his eyes wondered over to her face. Lucy looked a bit stressed and nervous, and in wanting to calm her nerves he grabbed her hand and held it tightly, making sure to hide it so no stranger sees.

As the two girls approached them Lucy went to greet, "Greetings Le-"

"Stop," Levy interrupted, "let me speak first."

Lucy nodded and let her speak. Levy sighed and scratched the top of her head making her headband fall a bit from its original spot.

"Hey, I'm Levy. Superiors call me a smart rebel or whatever because I get good grades but I steal fancy wine from them." She rolls her eyes, "none of this would have happened if my mother and father weren't so mean to others!"

Lucy stayed silent as she continued to speak, "even though the stories they tell us at school about humans are bad and overall distasteful I still want to help." She dragged a hand over hair, "and I'm not talking about standing in the sidelines, I want to help. Fight if I need to, I was taught how to fight by the books I stole."

"What type of fighting?" Lucy asked curiously.

"The one's from centuries ago, like the farthest I can think is 2016, when people fought with fist," she made a fist, "and would drag it across one another's faces. All we know are slaps but those are measly fight tactics and aren't very useful, especially when used against a gun."

"A gun..." Lucy muttered, "I remember learning about that weapon. It's small right?"

"There are different sizes. And they work in different way. Some are heavy some are light. Almost all are loud and some you have to constantly reload."

"Interesting information you gathered." Lucy said causing a laugh to leave Erza.

"I knew you two would click." Erza looked around Levy, "no Gajeel?"

Levy scoffed, "Nope, his new interest is Kelsey, that bitch!"

Erza reacted instantly as the words left Levy's mouth. She covered it and hissed, "shush Levy! You aren't supposed to say things like that."

"Oh please, like anyone heard." Levy rolled her eyes, "what is a bitch?" Lucy questioned having heard adults say that once or twice.

"A female dog." Levy replied.

"Well we have a team of six now."

"Erza there is only five of us, Natsu, Lucy, Jellal, you, and I." Levy said with confusion.

"Mirajane is also coming, but she was called to be with her mother for volunteering."

"What's the point in volunteering?" Asked Levy as she crosses her arms, "she's already leaving."

"It's to create no suspicion. We plan to get her after we talked to you. So are you in?" Natsu asked. Levy rolled her eyes, "Yeah I'm in, but I want to bring the books I've stolen. Maybe to better educate your kind."

"My kind knows a lot of things yours don't," Lucy replied, "but it would be better to get more books."

Levy nodded and walked in the building, the boys followed behind to hold the books that were going to be heavy in comparison to the flappy two page books they get to write reports on for school.

"Thank you for coming Erza." Lucy said as she stared at the sky, it was still day and the sky was clear. Usually in her village the sky had many clouds, sometimes white and sometimes grey. But in these communities the sky was always clear, no trace of any rain or snow.

"Have you gathered proof yet?" Asked Erza, "you said you needed proof before you go. And we will most Likely be leaving tonight."

Lucy nodded, "you guys are my proof. Seeing port people in person is enough proof for everyone."

Erza nodded, "do you think we could ever get ride of these ports? Are your doctors advanced enough?"

"Yes they are. The herbalist would help with pain while the doctors would help cut them out. Depending on how deep the ports are."

"Not too deep," Erza touched behind her ear, "we get ports as children, nobody is born with ports. So to not cause harm to the child they only push it a few layers of the skin."

"I see," Lucy said, "that would make it much easier to extract them out."

"Okay we are ready!" Levy said as she walked out with a clean white school bag. Jellal carried a black one and Natsu a yellow one.

"We should hurry, we stole these bags from other children. Also I packed waters."

"Lets go get Mirajane." Lucy said as she walked.

"You're a friend now, call her Mira instead of Mirajane."

"Okay, now lets get on with this suicidal mission." Levy said.

Jellal stopped in his tracks, "when you word it like that it makes it seem less pleasant."

"Don't be such a Newborn!"


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