Chapter 13| Kiss

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"Your lips are so soft." Natsu whispered. He held onto her shoulders delicately, as if she'd break in any second.

"You feel soft as well." Lucy said as she put a hand on his knee.

The two where in his room. Earlier they went in there to come up with questions and explanations to his father, to make him understand. But it ended with a curious Natsu and a willing Lucy. Together on his small bed, kissing.

Lucy frowned slightly, "you don't seem very excited. In my community, if you kiss and touch they feel electric. But you aren't even jumping in excitement." Lucy said.

"It's probably the pills I take." Natsu said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Pills?" Lucy questioned, "for what? Why would you need medication?"

"I started seeing girls more. It's like they became more beautiful to me, I-I can't explain it." Natsu held onto his shirt, "my father said I was oversexed, and the pills helped to calm my discomfort."

"When do you take it?" Lucy asked staring at his thin lips wanting them upon her own again.


"You didn't take it yesterday did you?"

Natsu nodded, "I'd have to wait at least another day for the pill to stop working."

"That's fine." Lucy played with her thumbs as she looked down, her face covered with a pink blush. "I'm sorry I kissed you. You probably didn't like it very much."

"Oh no! I loved it! It felt amazing." Natsu held his lips, "I don't believe you when you say you never did that before! I was worse since I didn't know what that was to begin with."

Lucy nodded a little in disappointment. "Well, practice makes perfect as my father said." She leaned in to him more. She didn't have any experience, but she remembered stories the older teens would tell about kissing. They usually said they would kiss with tongue and touch each other in questionable areas.

Lucy's hand lifted so it may lay above Natsu's crotch. Natsu's hips thrusted upwards without his consent.

Lucy gasped at the feeling of his thrusting, she retracted her hand out of shock worrying Natsu.

"I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" He asked with a low voice. The pills were to stop the feeling of love and sexual desire, but it wouldn't stop how amazing it felt to be touched.

"Can you do it again?" Natsu asked wanting the feeling again. Lucy sighed with a small giggle, "I think you can do it yourself. Though it was wrong, many boys do it. My father said it was normal for them with urges and whatnot."

Natsu laid his own hand on top of his jeans. He didn't thrust forwards like before but it felt pleasant, not as much as when Lucy's hand touched him but enough to cause a small whimper.

Lucy shuddered as a result of his whimper. She didn't know what to do now except go back towards the task at hand, "lets go question your father now okay? From what I can tell from your closed curtains, it is still day."

Natsu nodded reluctantly, he wanted to touch her again, to give her another one of those kisses. To feel her breath against his. He'd never notice before now but her brown eyes were addicting to look at, he could feel the pill faltering.

Lucy got up from his bed and walked towards his father. Still not changed from her pervious clothing.

"Look," Lucy day down beside him, "I'm going to be honest. I completely understand why you feel the need to label me a criminal, and I thank you for the little hospitality you gave earlier. But please listen me and your son."

Igneel, though the anger in his face couldn't be ignored, nodded wishfully, like he wanted to get over this.

"I am Human, but that doesn't mean I'm unnatural, you Newpeople are. And don't worry, I plan on leaving after I get proof your kind is real." She scratched he top of her blonde hair, "though I'm not really sure how. I could bring back a piece of clothing but that could easily be seen as fake."

"I'll help you brainstorm later Lucy, for now we must go meet with my friends. I want them to meet you before you go."

Lucy nodded, "we shall continue this on a later night." Natsu gave Lucy a blue dress he took from his mother's drawers and brown flats she wore.

"Father I will let you out, but only if you promise to stay put?" Natsu said as he looked away from Lucy stripping in order to put the long dress on.

Igneel rolled his eyes, on a regular occasion he would have to apologize, but this wasn't a normal occurrence. The two saw a nod and let him out.

Igneel winced at the feeling of the tape being ripped from his skin. He rubbed his wrist and glared at Lucy.

"Be home by sundown. If not I will report you. I can also pull a few strings to see you be killed, or horribly experimented on."

They two left with an extra key of the house at hand. Natsu hadn't touched another pill meaning he would get his feelings of discomfort back.

They walk towards a batch of flowers, a wonderful scarlet color filled Lucy's vision as she notice the soft texture.

A girl who seemed around their age, maybe a bit older, sat on the ground with a boy who had blue hair and a strange birthmark.

"Those two are friends of mine." Natsu said as he jerked his chin towards them in an attempt to not point.

Lucy nodded, "Okay, I'll act as if I were born here."

Natsu nodded in agreement. "Follow after me okay?"


"Hey Erza!"

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