Chapter 7| A Large White Wall

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Panting and light coughs exited Lucy's mouth. She ate the last bit of food she had left. From afar there was a deserted dry area of land, one without animals or any bodies of water; unlike her home which was rich with good soil and plenty of animals as well as lakes and rivers and a big ocean she swam in before.

The dry land was strange to her, the only time she saw anything dry was the grass on a hot summer day, but it would be replenished during spring with additions to colorful flowers that Wendy loved making flower crowns with.

Lucy closed her eyes at memories in her community, they were the only thing helping her to ignore the painfully numb feelings in her legs.

She'd walk for more then four days already non-stop. Sometimes she'd sit down by a river or lake to gather some water, but then get back up immediately once satisfied with the amount she'd gathered.

She could feel her eyes dropping and could feel the area under her eyes extend. She brought with her the papers in which she had to study before. Sometimes she'd read over them to make any theories up, and sometimes she'd stop at a tree to write down questions she thought she should ask, but there were no trees in this new area. Nothing but orange and slightly brown sand covering the land and the scorching sun burning from above.

"How long...must...I suffer?" She asked to herself. Lucy was never a religious person, and humans were known to be quite diverse with religion. She was raised an atheist, but now she thought she needed someone to turn to, and whoever that may be, either named god or not, she would go on her knees and pray.

Or at least that's what she planned to do before a large white wall stood before her.

Large was certainly an understatement, the wall seemed to go past the clouds. She stood with an amazed face. Her cozy jacket now ripped, her white dress dirtied from mud and dirt, her shoes no longer attached to her feet and her already raggedy bag torn.

She instantly ran towards the wall and banged. "Open up!" She Shouted. She wanted the taste of food in her mouth and cold water flowing down her throat. She was parched and hungry beyond anything.

A slit opened from the wall to reveal someone's brown eyes. At the sight of Lucy their eyes squinted and widened.

"W-who are you?!" They asked with a loud shout.

Lucy raised an eyebrow not expecting a human to answer. "I'm a-a...what yo-u ar-e." Lucy said out of breath. Her mind became fuzzy and her eyes closed. She could hear a faint gasp as she passed out.

"Open the doors! We need to help this fellow Newperson!"

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