Chapter 3| Mother's Setup

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"Do I have to mother?" Lucy asked in an almost whine like tone, "I don't even like him."

"But isn't he attractive?" Layla asked. Lucy sighed and nodded, knowing that she can't lie of how alluring and captivating the boy was to a young woman such as herself.

"And not only is he a handsome young man, but he is very smart. He wants to teach." Her mother said. Lucy sighed again and walked outside. "I'll make sure he has a good time mother."

"Thank you child, have fun!" Her mother shouted after her. Lucy tighten her fist. Her mother told another woman she would talk to her about meeting her son. Now Lucy has a date she doesn't look forward to.

Layla dress Lucy in a beautiful white dress that went above the knee and an older woman made her brown sandals. Wendy earlier made Lucy a flower crown to wear as well.

This was Lucy's first date and she was nervous. She's heard around the area of a boy named Loke that dated a lot of maidens that where older than him. And sadly that was the male she was going to spend a day and maybe a night with.

"Lucy, you are just as gorgeous as my mother said you were," he said as he held out a few plants. Lucy squinted her eyes in disgust as the plants still had dirt connected to them and the roots were exposed. She thanked him nonetheless and placed them down on the ground.

"Where should we go?" She asked. Loke grabbed her hand and walked towards a hill.


"We are going to sit down on top of that hill, and talk and maybe kiss?" He winked.

Lucy was taken aback at his sudden bluntness and inane suggestion. She shrugged, "I don't know what will happen. But hopefully nothing untamed."

"Sure," Loke chuckled. He tucked his hands into his hand made jean pockets. "We'll see."

As they walked up the hill Lucy felt contempt about the breeze that washed over them. Remembering the feeling of walking along the tracks she loved visiting. Loke noticed her satisfied smile. He sat down and stared at the falling moon with Lucy following.

"I love how the sun looks against the water." Lucy said as she stared at the faraway body of water. Loke hummed in response and waited for the sun to fully descend.

After the sunset and the moon was shinning bright above them Loke shifted closer to Lucy. She didn't mind as the night was getting colder and she could feel the warmth radiating off him.

She rested her head on top of his shoulder, enjoying the sound of his soft breathing. It was silent as they laid down and stared at the sky, Lucy counted the stars as Loke closed his eyes.


Lucy hummed in response. Loke sighed and sat up once again and ran a hand through his ginger hair. "I asked my mother to tell your mother to come with me tonight because I need help."

Lucy tilted her head in confusion. What would he need help for? Especially when he could easily ask anybody else.

"Remember Aries?" Loke asked. Lucy nodded with a memory of a soft spoken pink haired young girl flashing through her mind. She was very pusillanimous around everyone, even her parents. Every young boy loved her gentle ways, and they had been friends. But since her parents moved homes and areas they haven't spoken much after; with no way to communicate there wasn't anything they could do about their friendship failing.

"Well, I am growing feelings for her," Loke held his hand over his heart. "When I talk to her, or even think about her, my heart beats rapidly and I get super nervous. But I think she sees me as a brother mostly," he sighed sadly, "and I have no idea how to change her mind about it."

Lucy frowned slightly, she thought this boy was actually fancying her. Of course she didn't have feelings for a boy she met only a few hours ago but she liked the idea of someone being attracted to her.

"What can I do to help?" Lucy asked. Loke shrugged, "I'm not really sure. I just need advice."

Lucy nodded and thought for a bit. "Make your feelings known. I've never known love or the feeling of it but I do know my mother confessed to my father."

"That's very rare isn't it? For a woman to confess to a man?" Loke asked. Lucy nodded, "it was and still is. But my mother said she did it because she knew she loved him, even if he only saw her as a friend. It took a year for him to return her feelings but it was all because my mother said something." She smiled. "If Aries truly is your friend she won't butcher your feelings. She'll most likely accept it even if she doesn't feel the same."

Lucy smiled at the night sky, "and she might feel flattered enough to blush, which is always a sight to behold."

Loke chuckled, "it is." Loke shook his head and stared at Lucy with an eyebrow raised, "you've never even looked at a boy?" Loke asked, meaning if she even had a crush.

Lucy shook her head, "nobody interests me. Everybody is the same to me." She shrugged, "Maybe in the future I'll meet someone that'll catch my eye."

Loke nodded understandably, "tomorrow is the history lesson, are you excited? I am."

"I forgot it got cancelled today. My mother is excited but I'm not, History isn't very fun to me." Lucy said, "but it's super easy to understand."

"Well, it was very nice meeting and talking to you Lucy," Loke stood up and offered a hand to stand up with. But Lucy shook her head and stood on her own. He bowed his head slightly and bid her a goodnight.

Lucy walked home with a smile, even though it wasn't a date, but it was always nice talking about any topic for Lucy.

"Hello Lucy!" Layla said with a cheery voice. Lucy smiled back, "Hello mother."

"How was your date? Is there gonna be another one?" She asked excitedly. Lucy chuckled softly and shook her head. "No, no mother. He fancies an old friend named Aries, but I gave him good advice, hopefully."

Layla giggled, "of course you did, now get to sleep for your lesson tomorrow."

"Yes mother, goodnight."

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