"Hey! I'm kinda organized. That pile is to wash. Later." He said.

"But you don't even live here!" I half yell. "You literally live right across the hall it's not that bad."

"But it's still to far." He says as he dramatically tries reaching for the door. Then he puts his feet up. Oh hell no. Not on my desk.

"Barry." I say with a serious tone.

"Yup?" He said popping the p. He just moved messing up the desk.

"Feet. Off. Desk. Now." I say with so much warning in my tone that his eyes open wide and he slowly put his feet down. Causing it to mess up more.

"Barry!" I screeched.

"Hey , hey, hey. Let's calm down here, okay?" Oh hell no. He should already know. Do not tell a woman when they are pissed off to come down. You're just fueling their fire.

"Dammit Barry!" I yell going toward him as he gets up.

"What the hell? How'd you get up so fast? You were literally just laying there." He says, in a scared voice. Man, is that funny.

"Barry, I swear to God!" I yell as he runs away. Oh really he's going to run away. Okay, let's see how fast he can run.

"Oh no." He whispers. I start charging at him then he starts running. It's quite funny actually it looks like he's scared for his life. Just then I reach him time tackle him on to the bed.

"Ow!" We both say. Then we burst into laughter. "Hey Cait, why did you tackle me?" He says as the laughter dies down.

"I don't know just felt like it. Gotta take this frustration out somewhere right?" I say.

"Yeah, but not at me. Damn didn't know you were that strong." He said turning o his side to face me. We're still on the bed, I'm looking at the ceiling, while he looks at me. "Do you think we'll still be best friends when we graduate?" He asks out of no where.

"I'm sure of it." I say turning on my side too, to look at him.



*Flashback Ends*

I laugh at that memory. The good old days. With no meta-humans to worry about and not worrying everytime Barry went out.

"Okay." Oliver said clapping his hands out of nowhere. "You ready to train Barry?"

"Heck yeah. Let's go." Barry says excited... Gosh he looks like a little kid.

"Wait, what are you guys doing? You know what nevermind. Be safe." I say as they head out.

"Sure thing." Ollie says.

*Time Skip*

"Did you really have to shoot him in the back?" I ask Oliver as I check Barry's wounds.

"I heard he heals fast." Oliver shrugged.

"Doesn't mean you have to shoot him in the back." I say calmly.

"Okay. Whatever." He says walking out.

"How did you talk to him so calmly?" Barry asks.

"Years of practice. Plus I know he won't get mad at me." I say.

"How long have you two known each other?" Barry asks pulling down his shirt.

"A long time." I reply.

"How long?" Barry asks.

"Since we were seven." I say.

"Oh." Barry says. "Anyway, let's go catch this guy." Barry says.

*Time Skip*

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with you. Are you sure you're okay?" I ask Barry.

"Yeah. I told you guys I'm fine." He says while walking into the cortex with me and Felicity right behind him. But Felicity stops at the doorway. "All I say was a flash of red then bam he's gone."

"Well that was completely reckless of you. You should know better. Are you sure you're fine?" I ask him.

"Yes, Caitlin, I'm fine." He says through gritted teeth.

"Barr are you su-"

"I said I'm fine!" Barry yells, then turns to look at me. "I'm not Ronnie so you gotta stop treating me like I am."

"You're right. You're not." I say walking off. No. Don't you ever bring Ronnie into this. And yes, he's not Ronnie, he never will be.


They took down Rainbow Raider. I made up that name. Cisco doesn't like it. But everyone else does. What sucked the most was seeing my two best friends fight. I mean Ollie has been there since the beginning but Barry understands me.

"Hey." I hear a soft voice say as they walk into my lab.

"Hey Barr." I say not looking up.

"Look I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to say anything about Ronnie." He says.

"It's okay, it's just hard, you know?" I say tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. It okay. I'm sorry." He says pulling me into a hug. I cry into his chest. I did this a lot. Crying into his chest. It didn't matter where or when he was always there.

"I'm sorry." I say backing away from the hug, wiping my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. You know I'll always be here for you." He says.




A/N: Ahh I just love writing SnowBarry fluff. Anyway, I loved the sixth episode of season five. So much parallels so much SnowBarry. By far my favorite episode. Can't wait for the next episode see some SnowBarry. I know there is a bit of an age gap between Oliver and Caitlin, but let's just pretend they're the same  age. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Always and Forever(Snowbarry) ~DISCONTINUED~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat