" Hey" he spoke in a sort of whisper as if he had to be careful of my fragility. In response, I made a swift nod with my head sensing after that words were not in abundance at the moment. I gestured with a wave of the hand behind my back for my friends to notice my hysteria and they did, but they weren't going to help me

Instead, they began to back away from him and I, disappearing behind the hood, leaving me here with him.

"Great just great ..." I huffed in a whispered tone.

when I looked up to break the inevitable silence, I noticed how he had this amazingly intense stare in his crystallised brown eyes. And from that, I realised I really needed to say something

" nice car " I blurted out. I was rushing in my mind and had no idea what to say.

"Thanks, but don't I get a hug from you, baby? " He frowned. But I frowned back harder.

" I'm not your baby"

" so what do you call a girl that you like and likes you, but ain't your girlfriend"

" a crush"

" Stop playing with me and give me a hug, you always acting difficult"

I strode one step towards him and grasped his body. I held it there for a while feeling exactly what he intended. His arms snakes around my back and warmly suffocated my skin." I missed you" I whispered in his ear

"I missed you more, I'm sorry I ain't been in, just things have been mad at the moment!" I drew away to see some sadness in his eyes which he tried to mask with a smile.

" you wanna talk about it" we had broken away from the embrace but still kept the intense eye contact.

" Nah maybe later, I don't wanna ruin my mood"

" okay well just let me know coz I'm here for you, you know that" I softened my eyes as he nodded and pulled me closer.

"I know that's why I'm loving on you all the time" he grabbed my ass and pulled me even closer than before. I pulled them off quickly and turned to see if everyone saw, but even if I didn't catch them looking I know they saw.

" not here Ty please, I don't want-" he cut me off

" anyone to see us, yes I know" he rolled his eyes

" Hey don't be like that" I tapped his thigh which was closing in on mine.

He nodded again,
"I get it okay, it's just annoying" he huffed and sunk his head into the base of my neck.
" I just wanna tell everyone bout us" he huffed again. I shook my head, a little angry that he brought this up again.

"Tyrus, don't do this, not here" I rolled my eyes as I spoke.

#*#*#*#*#*45mins later#*#*#*#*#*#

" Want me to drop you home?!" lips extremely close to my earlobe, he leaned in to whisper softly. I had my head resting comfortably against the headrest and smiled cheekily down at my feet below. I nodded and he gave me a quick eye when he drew back into his drivers seat.

"What was that I ain't hear you?" He was seductive in his eyes mostly, scanning my body while we lightly conversed.There was a comfortable silence around us we were staring deeply into each other's eyes with mischievous smirks on our faces. I don't know what he was thinking but I was dreaming up how long it would take for him to look at me like that before I released my urge to tongue him down in front of my girls in the back.

My fingers tips were tingling to touch him softly when suddenly from nowhere Danielle shouted "She said Yes already, damn !" In a highly irritated tone. It was at once that everyone in the car enclosure, turned to stare at her in confusion where the silence still remained. I felt a small scowl cover my lips but softened when Tyrus turned from his position to place attention back on me.

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