Chapter 16- Coffee Break (Part 1)

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Harry decided to take Sam to the mall to talk with her and to sort of start over in a nice way. Unlike third grade. He walked up the stone steps to her door and rang the doorbell. He slipped his hands into his pockets and waited. After a couple of minutes, Mrs. Walsh appeared through the screen door.

"Hey, Harry!" Mrs. Walsh opened the screen door. "Come on in."

This time, the house smelt of cinnamon and icing. Harry walked in far enough so that Mrs. Walsh could close the door.

"Are you baking something?" He asked, smelling the air a second time.

"Yes, I made cinnamon buns. Would you like one?" She asked folding the couch blanket up and tossing in on the back.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. Is Sam busy?"

"Uhh-" she walked passed Harry looking up stairs. "Sam! Are you busy?" She yelled up.

"Um, not really, no." Sam's mom looked into the kitchen and noticed her second set of buns were burning.

"Your friend's here!" She yelled as she ran into the kitchen. Harry turned his head to watch the smoke come from the stove then trailed his eyes back up to the top of the stairs where Sam was standing.

"Hey," Harry said. She held her breath knowing he was the boy from the hospital. She walked down the steps holding on tight to the railing. When she reached the bottom, she twirled to the other side of Harry, still making eye contact.

"Weren't you the boy from the hospital?" She asked even though she already knew it was.

"Yeah. So, erm, I was wondering if you would, maybe, want to get some coffee or something," Harry asked licking his top lip hoping she would say yes.

Sam took a glance in the kitchen where her mom was looking back at her. Her mom nodded a yes. Sam looked back at Harry. "Yeah. Sure." She put on her shoes and they went out the door to Harry's car.

"So, how have you been doing?" Harry asked while buckling his seat belt.

"Um… I'm Sorry. What's your name again?" Sam asked making a nervous expression.

"Oh, I'm Harry." Sam's ears liked the sound of his British voice saying "Harry". Harry smiled back at her and started the car. He turned on the radio, as the car was in motion.


Harry and Sam jumped out of the car in front of the mall. When they walked out to the street, a car spun out in front of both of them. Harry pushed Sam back, hard, to the side walked and watched the man drive away not caring what he had almost done. Harry then noticed his hand pressing on her chest.

"Ah, sorry." He took his hand off her chest. "Didn't want you to get hit." Sam understood and nodded. Her cheeks got red. So did Harry's. They crossed the road and went into the mall. "So, there's a Starbucks a little ways down if you want to go to that." Sam was too busy concentrating on the mall. She looked around, noticing everything in sight.

"I know this place," she said happily. Harry smiled down at her, watching her face light up.

"You do?"

"Yeah! That's the store I got kicked out of for coming out of the dressing room in only my underwear!" She stopped there. Her eyes became wide and her cheeks became red again. "Probably should have stopped at the 'kicked out' part." She looked up at Harry. He smiled and winked.

"So, Starbucks! Sound good?" He asked again.

Sam nodded. "Sounds great!" She became more comfortable around Harry already. Well, the part of her brain that couldn't remember him. They walked down into Starbucks and ordered.

"Let’s see... Um, hi!" Harry said to the man behind the counter. "Can I get a French Vanilla iced coffee, and, what do you want Sam?" Sam looked up at the board and thought.

"Well, what's good?" She looked back at Harry. Harry new she liked the Caramel Frappuccino so he told her to order that.

They sat down together next to a big window with a decent view. They sat, drinking for a couple minutes when Harry asked. "So, what else do you remember?" His green eyes smiled at Sam with his question.

"Well, I remember my father a little bit now. And it's starting to come back to me how he died. Which made me sad, but, life goes on." Her voice trailed off as she sipped her drink. Harry couldn't help but laugh at the cute face she made while saying that. "I want to know more about you. How do I know you?"

Harry prepared himself then answered. "In year three I moved here from the UK and, we were in the same class." He didn't know what else to say because the rest was just fighting back and forth with each other. "That's pretty much it."

"Please go into detail! I want to remember things!" She said anxiously.

He took a big breath in. "Well-"

"Ah hey guys!" Before Harry could start, Zayn walked over with another girl.

Harry relaxed. "Hey! How's it goin'?" Harry asked. Sam sat there awkwardly smiling.

"It's goin' good. Hey Sam how are you?" Zayn asked. Sam took a couple double takes from Zayn to Harry. She stumbled with her words.

"Uh, good!" She finally said. Harry opened his mouth about to say something to Zayn.

"Zayn, could I talk to you for a sec?" Harry asked getting up placing a hand on Zayn's back, walking him over to the trash.

Sam looked back at her drink.

"Hi, Sam? Right?" The girl Zayn was with asked.

"Yeah, Sam," she replied.

"I'm Patricia. Zayn's girlfriend. Um, can I sit?" She asked pointing to the chair. Sam nodded as she couldn't answer with the drink at her mouth. Patricia breathed out. "So, Zayn talked to me about your father. I'm really, really sorry," she said with sorrow in her eyes.

"Thank you," Sam said back. She was struggling trying to remember if she had known her from somewhere also. She couldn't think of anywhere. Well obviously not. She didn't know my name. Sam thought. "How long have you two been dating?"

Patricia sat straight in her chair. "Uh, about three weeks. We met at a work gathering for my mom. His mom's my mom’s boss." Sam nodded not even realizing her mom’s boss was Zayn's mom, too. "Are you and Harry dating?"

"Oh, no." She didn't want to explain the whole situation. She wasn't even sure the story everyone had told her was true or not about getting hit by that car. "We're just friends." She went with that.

"Okay! We should probably head out if we want to catch the movie." Zayn came back with Harry. Zayn wrapped his arm around Patricia giving her a kiss on the head. She got up, with Zayn's arm now around her waist. "Bye Sam. I'll talk to you soon." He smiled and Sam slightly smiled back. Patricia mouthed “me too” to Sam also. She was nervous of talking one on one with someone she had only met, meaning Zayn. Even though that's what it was with her and Harry. Harry sat back down with a big sigh.

"So, you were gonna tell me detail on how you know me?" Sam asked, leaning on her cup waiting. He breathed out and started talking.

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