" I know dresses aren't really your style but Tony went out of his way for you to have this party, the least you can do is show up and look decent." Pepper says.

" Are jeans and a teeshirt not good enough for you people?" I cried.

Pepper let out a long, exhausted sigh.

" Rebel please just help me out here, what's your favorite color?" Pepper pleads.

I pause for a minuet, thinking about my answer.

" Black." I state, crossing my arms like a child.

Pepper leaves the dressing room and a few minuets later comes back holding three black dresses.

" How about any of these?" She says holding all three out to me.

I take a good long look at each, just to make Pepper feel better I take the last one out of her hand and agree to try it on.

To my surprise when I turn around to see myself in the mirror I don't hate the way I look. The dress was simple yet cute; It was a black-mid thigh dress, with half sleeves and a scalloped neck line. I see Pepper behind me holding her breath, praying I'd just pick this dress so we could go home.

" Fine, I'll do this one." I say acerbicly.

Pepper almost shouts in joy, taking the dress from me and putting it back on the hanger to be checked out.

After checking out we get into the car and head home to get ready for tonight.


Slipping my dress on I look at my self in the full size mirror, giving a little spin and deciding this dress wasn't that bad. While studying myself in the mirror I hadn't noticed Pepper had walked in.

" Not so bad huh?" She says, startling me.

" Whatever" I reply, trying to act subtle.

She comes up from behind me, looking at me through the mirror.

" You look beautiful, black really is your color" she says smiling.

" Thanks" I reply back, not hating the compliment she had given me.

" But to really top this dress off I think we should add a necklace and some make up." She says, wagging her eyebrows.

"No, no makeup." I state.

" Come on, I won't go over board I promise" Pepper says, borderline begging now.

" Fine" I say, giving in to her persuasive ways.

Pepper lets out a girly squeal before racing out of my bedroom to go grab her make up. She returns seconds later bring in almost a suitcase size bag of high end makeup.


" Almost done..." Pepper says, applying mascara on my eyelashes.

" Done." She says, stepping back, looking accomplished.

She hands me a mirror so I can look for myself, I almost don't even recognize myself.

Note to self never trust Pepper when she says " won't go overboard" when It comes to makeup.

I won't lie, she did do a good job though.

Behind us Clint whistles, looking at me through the mirror as he passes my room.

" Shut it Barton" I snap, before he walks away chuckling.

" Are you sure this isn't too much, like will people recognize it's me?" I ask, turning around to face Pepper.

BATTLE SCARS (I) ↳ Tony Stark's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now