Chapter 36

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I wake up to the noise of people shuffing down in the kitchen.

I roll over and bed and find someone had left me medicine on my night stand, I happily took two pills and walked into my bathroom. I was still in my clothes from last night and I smelled like vomit and vodka, so I get into the shower before heading down stairs.

Once I was clean and freshly dressed for the day I walk into the kitchen, upon my arrival everyone's eyes wandered to me.

" Welcome to the land of the living" Clint announced as I stepped further into the kitchen, I looked at the clock and saw it was almost three in the afternoon.

I shot Clint a sarcastic smile and sat down at the kitchen counter next to Steve.

" So...Aulluver?" Natasha said smirking.

" Wait I thought she was dating the jack kid" Clint questioned.

" His name is Jax, Clint" Steve corrected Clint.

I scoff and roll my eyes at their bickering, they are all wrong. I'm unsure about how Natasha knows about Aulluver but I decide it didn't matter.

" Aulluver is just a friend and so is Jax" I say correcting all of them.

They all laugh, obviously not believing me. Just then Tony walked down which made everyone go silent, because they knew he knew about last night, and he wasn't happy about it.

" Look who managed to actually stick around" Tony said in a very annoyed tone.

" Tony before you get mad at me-" I try to say, but I'm cut off my Tony.

" Before I get mad? I already am mad Rebel" He says, which makes me just stay silent.

" What were you thinking? Leaving the house alone, after everything that has happened!" He yells

" It wasn't my fault-" I try to speak again but I'm cut off by Tony once again.

" Not your fault? Then who's fault is it then?" he say and slighly laughs, not a happy laugh, more of a ' you're so dead' laugh.

I stay silent because I didn't know what to say, he was right it was my fault but I had a good reason to do what I did and I don't regret it.

" Besides sneaking out and going to some party and getting drunk out of your mind, you get brought home by some stranger!" He continues to yell

" What stranger?" I say, confused about who he was talking about.

" I don't know, dark hair, taller, older" Tony tries to explain.

Oh Aulluver.

All the memories come back to me, the party, Jax ditching me, dancing with Aulluver, sitting on the porch and throwing up, everything after that was pretty much a blur. I didn't know Aulluver was the one that brought me home, I had just figured Jax was the one.

" That was Aulluver" I tell Tony, who just looks disgusted when I said his name.

" Okay well that's not the point, the point is you can't just leave whenever you want Rebel" Tony scolds me

" Do you blame me though? I been trapped in this tower feeling like Rapunzel for weeks being bored out of my mind" I argue

Some of the rest of the Avengers silently agree with me, at least I know some of them have my back.

" You're just asking to be kidnapped again!" he continues to yell, only getting more frustrated by my arguing with him.


I had been so angry I hadn't thought before I spoke, which I really wish I wouldn't have because I never wanted to tell Tony I chose to leave. My comment instantly made him silent, looking at me wide eyed along with the rest of them team. I didn't know if I should explain or if talking would make this worse.

" You what?" Tony said in a low serious voice

" I was the one who shut down Jarvis and wiped the security cameras" I confess, feeling embarrassed and dumb for saying this out loud.

" Why would you leave?" Thor asked, who seemed to be just as confused.

I kept my eyes on the floor while everyone waited for me to say something, to give some logical explanation for why I left.

" I thought it would be...better" I say in such a low voice I wasn't sure if they could hear what I said.

" Better?" Steve asked, who was trying to understand what I meant.

" Don't think I don't know you guys all think I'm trouble, I've even heard of few of you say it for yourselves" I stated, my comment makes Clint look down embarrassed because he knows I'm talking about him.

I stand there almost about to cry, but all the sudden someone wraps their arms around me and gives me a tight hug.

"I'm sorry if we made you badly lady Rebel" I look up and see Thor is the one hugging me, any another time I would have thought this was totally awkward and would squirm out of his grasp, but right now it felt nice.

Still in Thor's hug, I look around to see everyone looking really sad, or maybe embarrassed I couldn't tell. When Thor finally releases me everyone else gives me a quiet apology and rub my shoulder or pat my head. I look over at Tony who was the only one who hadn't apologized yet

" I'm sorry kid, I'm obviously not too good at this dad thing" He says looking the most embarrassed.

" It's alright, can't say I'm much better at being someone's daughter" I say, we both lightly chuckle which helps brighten the mood a little.

" Just promise me you'll stop being stupid and just listen to me when I tell you to do things" He says exasperated but not as mad anymore.

" I'll try" I say with a little hint of a smirk forming on my lips.

Tony gives me a serious look and I just laugh, because we both know I'm not good at doing what I'm told.

" So how are you feeling" Natasha asks, referring to my hangover from last night.

" Pretty damn awful" I say, making her laugh a little.

" See that's what you get when you don't listen to me" Tony points out, I just roll my eyes and laugh.





Hey, sorry this chapter was kinda boring, it was meant to be a filler chapter and kind of a explanation chapter I guess. Things will spice up later so don't worry about that, and as always thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!

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