Chapter 33

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*Rebel's pov*
It's been a day since me and Tony's last had a real conversation since the pizza place indecent.

" Maybe you should just apologize" Jax suggests for the millionth time.

After Tony and I's little outing, it proved that I well enough to go visit Jax, which I did happily. The day after my argument with Tony I went to visit Jax, updating him on everything with my Hydra kidnapping, my new powers, and my most recent fight with Tony. I just couldn't stand to be in the same building with him, so I decided it would be better to spend the night with Jax.

" Are you sure he's okay that you're here?" Jax nagged for the third time in the last ten minuets.

" Are you even listening to me right now? I was right and Tony was wrong" I say exasperated, trying to explain why I shouldn't be the one apologizing about Tony and I's fight.

" Yeah, yeah I heard you, but if he comes cashing through my roof looking for you I'm going to be pissed" Jax say sarcastically.

I had actually hadn't told anyone I was going out, although Clint was in the living room watching TV  when I was leaving so I assumed he saw me leave and I counted that as 'letting someone know I  was leaving'.

"REBEL!" Jax's little brother, Mikey yells when he see me.

" Hey buddy" I wave at the seven year who was smiling brightly at me.

Mikey was Jax's foster brother, but to both Jax and I he was a blood brother. Mikey gives me a hug and then returns to doing whatever he was going before I got there.

" So you have powers"  Jax says, a smile making its way to his lips.

" Uh yeah why?" I say confused at why the boy in front of me, who looked like he was concocting a plan.

" I have an idea"  He says smirking at me.

Whenever Jax has a plan it usually doesn't end up well.


" What are we doing up here" I say annoyed at why he brought me up to the roof of his apartment complex.

" You're gonna show me these so called 'powers'" He tells me.

" What if I don't want to?" I say trying to be annoying, I never liked being told what to do anyway.

" Too bad, so sad" he fake pouts, sticking his bottom lip out slightly

I scoff at his childishness, and agree to do whatever he wants me to do. He throws a tennis ball at me, I duck just in time before I get hit.

" What was that for?" I yell, confused at why he threw the ball at me.

" You were suppose to make it stop from hitting you with your powers" Jax said in a 'duh' tone, as if I should have already knew.

He throws another object at me and this time I stop the object in motion and throw it off the side of the building with just a thought. Jax stares at me in awe, like I'm some wizard from a one of his Harry Potter movies.

" That's so fucking cool!" He exclaims.

I smile at how excited he gets, I forgot he's not use this whole superhuman thing yet.

" Does anyone else know?" Jax says in a lower voice, as if someone could really hear us from up here.

" Well Tony mentioned it briefly once, but I don't ever remember telling him about it" I say rubbing the back of my neck, wondering how he actually knew if I never told him.

" So are you like an Avenger now?" He says, getting excited all over again.

"  I don't know" I say honestly, because I had really never thought about it till now.

Just because I now had powers did that make me an Avenger, even if no one knows about them? Did I even want to be an Avenger? Would Tony even let me be an Avenger?

" It's getting late, we should be going inside" Jax suggests and hands me his sweatshirt noticing I'm slightly shivering from the evening breeze.

I slip it over my shirt, it's obviously very baggy on me since the height difference between Jax and I is drastic. Jax puts an arm around me as we walk to the door, leading us back into his apartment complex and into his flat.

We spend the rest of the evening binge watching Harry Potter on the coach  and eating Chinese take out. We were half way through the second movie till I look over at Jax who is slumped against me fast asleep, I grab a blanket from the back of the coach and throw it over us, whispering good night to him, then falling asleep as well.

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