"Who's the goddess of fashion?" a voice said from the doorway. We turned around to see Perrie.

"PERRIE!!!" I yelled as I ran towards her and gave her a big hug "I missed you so much!!"

"Me too,sweettie, me too" she said as we pulled away.

"Nicold, this is Perrie. Perrie this is Nicold" I said

"Nice to finally meet you Nicold" Perrie said

"Me too and Sammy...you didn't have to tell me who she was. I already know that she's Zayn's fiance" Nicold said in a duh tone

"Oh...I forgot that you were a fan, more like a stalker" I mumbled the last part hoping she didn't heard me

"I heard you!!" she said

"Sorry and how did you know where we lived?" I asked

"Yea...about that" she chuckle nervously

"Please don't tell me that you used the app" I whined

"Well, I also found another app that could track another phones from my contact list, so I download it to make sure that the other app wasn't lying. Which it didn't" she said

"Girls, it's almost time for you two to go to school. You can keep talking in the car or while you both eat breakfast" Perrie said. She's acting lke my mom.....that's weird.

"Oh I already ate, but thanks thought. And yes, we'll keep talking in the car or later" Nicold said

"Kay boo. Let's go!" I said as we linked arms and skipped downstairs.

"WAIT!!!" I yelled as we both stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I ran towards my room, grabbed my backpack and my phone, then I ran back to where Nicold was.

"Now we can go" I said as we linked arms once again and skipped towards the kitchen

"Morning!!" I said as I sat on the table.

"Morning Sunshine" they all said. Harry place a plate of pancakes in front of me and I began to eat.

"Hey Nicold, if you want you can stay over the night with Samantha" Liam suggested

"REALLY?!" we both said making them all chuckled

"Really" he said

"Thank you Liam!!" I said as I hugged him "Where's Danielle?"

"Oh I'm here" Danielle said , coming to the table.


She chuckled and hugged me. "I miss you sweet heart" she said as she pulled away

"I missed you too" I said "Oh right, Danielle this is Nicold. Nicold..you know who she is" I said

"So you're the famous Nicold, nice to meat you" Danielle said

"Nice to meet you too Danielle...I can call you Danielle...right?" Nicold said

"Of course you can" Danielle said and Nicold let out a sight of relief.

"Time to go to school!" Zayn said and we all walked towards the Limo.....That was the only way we could all go. Apparently Danielle and Perrie wanted to come to. Not that it bothers me, I'm actually okay with it. I just wished that we could have used a car that attract less attention.

"Okay, now did you told Erick you were moving?" I asked Nicold. Her eyes widened and realization hit her

"No!!! Oh god he's so going to kill me. Now he's going to be lonely" Nicold said and started to panic

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