~ Cha(n)pter Eleven ~

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"It doesn't matter." Chan said, voice muffled.

Woojin frowned, but didn't pry. Instead, he reached to grab his phone which had dinged a few seconds ago. 

You know

Halloween party at yours again this year?


Oh yeah i forgot about that

you better help me set up 

You Know


Sung and I are already back at the apartment

Stop making out with Chan or whatever


oh my god i'm so done with you

You Know

shut up you love me


ew no

i'm telling jisung

You Know 

just get your ass back here


aye aye captain

You Know

I can't hear you




why are we like this?

"Channie." Woojin said, patting Chan's head to get his attention.

"Yeah?" Chan asked, looking up at Woojin, doe-eyed.

"I totally spaced on the fact that I'm supposed to host a Halloween party tomorrow." Woojin said, running a hand through Chan's hair. 

"And you didn't invite me?" Chan asked with a pout. "We're not friends anymore." Chan said, releasing Woojin's arm to cross his arms. 

"I forgot to!" Woojin exclaimed. "I would never exclude you on purpose, flower."

"I know." Chan said,his bright smile returning, lighting up his face. "I was just messing with you."

"I've got to get back to my apartment to set up. Care to join me?" Woojin asked.

"You didn't even have to ask." Chan replied, linking his arm with Woojin's. 

The two boys left the playground, finding their way back to Woojin's apartment. 


After unlocking the door, the first thing Woojin did was check his kitchen. He wasn't sure if Seungmin and Hyunjin were responsible enough to clean up after themselves. 

Teacher's Assistant // WoochanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum