Chapter Twenty Eight(v2)

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Chapter 28

Cedric walked back, his thoughts glum. He didn’t want to train. He didn’t want to be the key to the king’s demise. He just wanted his freedom. Cedric took a hesitant breath on the top of the staircase where he and the Skat had entered the Sanctuary. This was stupidity. Cedric knew that. But the walls of the Sanctuary had begun to close in on him, creating a claustrophobic effect. He needed the open neverending sky above him. He needed just a little taste of freedom to combat the trapped feeling that had gripped him. But the surface world was dangerous. Out there, soldiers prowled the streets, one eye searching for him. Not to mention Rafe was hounding him relentlessly. The Sanctuary was safe. The only safe place in Yashu, and probably this half of the country. Putting aside that safety simply to ease his discomfort was idiotic. And yet that couldn’t stop him from lifting the stone door, pulling his hood over his head, and darting into the streets of Yashu’s slums. Cedric strolled through the allies of the slums, staring at the bright bold sky twisting his head to a certain direction when he sensed motion from the corner of his eye. Each time he looked, however, it was only a rogue wandering through the slums. They nodded their head to Cedric as he passed before slipping back into the city’s depths. Somehow they knew that he was one of them, unlike last time he had taken to the slum’s streets as a servant. Cedric almost laughed remembering that time which seemed ages ago. From a dog of the castle to a treasonous magic weaver.

            Before long the streets slowly became cleaner and cleaner as he approached to inner circle. Horses’ snorts and the sound of wheels splashing through puddles saturated the air, followed by yells and simple chaos. The buildings swelled and grew, a level each block, until eventually each building was fully formed. Cedric stood at the mouth of an alley that emptied into Elephant Square. Soldiers formed a semi circle in the square, their eyes drifting across the plethora of people. Cedric retreated into the darkness and circled the square, keeping an eye on the rifles on the soldiers’ sides. He sank inward as the square narrowed into a street. Cedric passed the backside of the bars and inns, fully aware where this street would lead. Somehow, he felt like an observer. As though he couldn’t be touched, and his fate was simply to watch the fate of others. But was he only watching? Or was he waiting?

            Cedric put his hands into his pockets, and drifted on the outskirts of the castle. Now he felt as though he was the one watched. But by whom? Cedric craned his neck, searching, but all seemed calm. He clicked his tongue a single time before his attention was once again on the square, lifting his head to the castle that overlooked the square. Such a graceful creature, a gorgeous piece of arcetecture. All the places he had seen only confirmed this fact. And yet he couldn’t think of a place that absorbed more evil within its walls. He hoped dearly that this truly was the most evil place in the world. Otherwise this world was certainly doomed.

            Cedric found himself drifting into the square, and despite the soldiers he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He was suddenly at the castle’s wrought iron fence. He placed both hands upon it and breathed in its power. It was almost as though it had stored the memory of his escape. At this fence he had placed his foot on forbidden ground for the first time.

            “Hey! Get away from there.” Cedric turned to see a soldier approaching him.

            “My apologies.” Cedric stated, and began to walk away, the soldier’s gaze boring a hole into the back of his head.

            The soldier almost glanced away before the wind knocked Cedric’s hood from his head. Cedric, foolishly, glanced at the soldier to see if he spotted the mishap, which confirmed Cedric’s identity.

            “Hey!” The soldier yelled o his companions. “It’s the boy!”

            Cedric didn’t stick around to see the other soldiers’ reactions. He raced into the nearest alley, whipping around corners. Cedric paused at the corner of a building. Judging by the buildings’ conditions, he was approximately at the border between the inner circle and the slums. He slumped over, gasping for a quick breath, then straightened up to make his way back to the Sanctuary. He had gotten enough fresh air.

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