Chapter One(v2)

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v1: Hello thanks for giving this story a shot! Please vote and comment cause I always love to hear what people have to say. And if you like this perhaps you'd like my other story, Clouded Vision, so give that a shot too if ur interested.  

Thank you tianajade for the awesome cover :)

v2 note: I am currently uploading the most current version of Magic Weaver. If the chapter is labelled v2, then that means it is updated. If not, than it is the outdated version. If this is your first time reading, I would recommend waiting until I update because the two have about a 50 page difference. Also please don't read Clouded Vision because it's horrid. 

Chapter One


Cedric roamed the beds of flowers, sweat coating is palms as he looked out for guards that strode past, pistols illuminated in the bright sun at their sides. Cedric cringed, his face buried in a bright pink rose, his eyes fixed upon the ferocious weapon. He crawled through the king’s courtyard, flowers by his side, their faces fixed upon the golden sun, eagerly eating up its brilliant warm sunshine. Cedric knelt to the ground once again as a guard sauntered past with a strict solemn face. As all the other guards, this one wore a purple uniform on his back, with the king’s mark stamped over the front. Although his eyes scanned the area, they didn’t bother to really search, and for this reason Cedric was never caught. 

 At the center of the King's Courtyard stood a massive gazebo, enclosed in wandering ivy. Flowers spotted the ivy, flaring out like the bottom of a deep purple trumpet, tipped with a royal blue. The king spent much of his time here; it was his place and his place only. Cedric slipped inside, ears perked for anyone approaching. Inside the circular arc was a soft white, lit where the sun could filter through the leaves. It was cooler in here than in the sun, the ivy acting as an umbrella. The small area, closed off from the world, seemed as though it was the only thing that truly existed. As though the rest of the world disappeared, which was a welcome change from castle life. Although this was the king’s place, it was the only place Cedric didn’t feel like a servant, as he knew this was the only place he was safe from Rafe. The guards in that nonexistent world would never check here, for this was a forbidden place. The only way he would be caught was if the king himself entered. If the king did actually catch him, however, that would lead to disastrous consequences. Cedric had never actually met the king, never even seen him, but he could only imagine the horror he would face, for the king was surely even worse than Rafe. In the middle of the gazebo was a single bench, soft white and speckled with light. Cedric sat down, his breathing soft and quick. His hand curled into a nervous fist, yet he made himself stay where he was. To leave now and let his fear get the better of him would let them win. If he didn’t break this rule and stay here, it would be accepting their twisted leadership and bow down before their will. He wouldn’t be the obedient slave, wouldn’t play that role, no matter what the consequences were. This was his way of rebelling against them. Besides, Cedric had incredible instincts. He could always sense when someone was approaching. Cedric forced himself to stay for several minutes, before the crunching of leaves and a snapping twig startled him away. Cedric ducked out of the ivy gazebo and looked around cautiously on his hands and knees. On the edge of the courtyard, observing Cedric with a disapproving stare, was a broad man, with a bit of a gut, but kind eyes and a certain smile to his lips. Cedric, rather than running away, moved through the foliage towards him, for he knew this man as the cook, his teacher caregiver, and the king’s personal cook. When he was a few feet away, the cook strolled into the castle, and Cedric ran to catch up.  

Only when Cedric was walking in stride with the cook did he speak. "The duke was looking for you. I looked like quite the fool when I couldn't produce what he wanted."  

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