Chapter Twenty Seven(v2)

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Chapter Twenty Seven

An Unmentionable Future

            Cedric jumped into the mind of yet another person and quickly scanned them. After a few mere moments he retreated.

            “You’re clean.” He sighed.

            The nameless person nodded with a smile another quickly replaced him. Cedric put a finger to this one’s forehead, closed his eyes for a time, and then opened them.

            “You’re clean.”

            And so the process repeated itself in tedious repetition. After another batch (none of which contained souls, or soulets as Cedric called them). Cedric took the rest of the day off. Since the day the Magician’s Skat found out the king was a puppet master, word in the Sanctuary, with Ghost’s help, had quickly spread. Of course, those on the surface never believed the gossip, but still it spread simply because it was so unbelievable. If they did happen to believe, they usually came to Cedric, just to be sure they were infected with a soulet. Most of the time they weren’t; Cedric had only extracted one thus far, not including the cook’s. It had died a few minutes after Cedric had removed it, but they put its remains in a jar as proof.

Emily still wasn’t speaking with him. He had decided it would be best to keep away from her until she decided to talk to him. Although tore him up inside, at least she was safe. In the end, that was all that mattered.

            Jayson, Ghost, and even the cook spent their time recruiting whoever they could, but particularly magic weavers, into the Skat. Jayson and the cook, unsurprisingly, had grown to be close friends. Rosaline joined the Sanctuary’s ranks as a guard. She kept watch over the Sanctuary’s many entrances, shooting soldiers that managed to find an entrance. Cedric had no idea how Akeem, Emily, and Jack spent their time. Every once in a while Jack would spend time with Cedric, but it wasn’t nearly enough.

            Cedric walked out of Gabriel’s tent, and strolled idly around. He knew he was walking in the direction of the Great Bridge, so he continued that way. That destination was as good as any.

            Cedric leaned over the Great Bridge’s railing, gazing at the crystalline depts. The water sparkled. Cedric thought best in this spot. He wondered how close Rafe was to finding this place. According to reports, he was snooping around the slums. He seemed incredibly sure Cedric was here. It was only a matter of time.

            Cedric turned around, and leaned his back against the railing, looking up at the lanterned sky.

            “I knew I’d find you here.”

            Cedric was expecting Ghost, but to his surprise, it was Gabriel.

            Cedric chuckled. “This is my favorite place in the Sanctuary.” Despite the fact that this was where Emily rejected his apology.

            “It’s a lovely spot.” Gabriel smiled at him, but Cedric’s face remained glum. Gabriel continued, as if he was talking to himself. “You have an amazing talent.”

            “Thank you.” Cedric said, trying to figure out where this was going. Gabriel was the type of person that didn’t speak unless there was a reason.

            “It’s quite versatile, your magic.” Gabriel added. “You can sense you many people are in a room, control people, and warp objects, isn’t that right?”

            Cedric nodded silently.

            “I don’t think anyone realizes how immense your power is. Why, with a little practice your magic could rival even the king’s.”

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