Chapter Twenty Three(v2)

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Chapter Twenty Three

The Puppet Master

Cedric raced down the halls as fast as he could, stairs and hallways merging together in a blur. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Even when he was a rebellious servant it never even crossed his mind to go on the fifth floor! It wasn't even a rule, it was just something that wasn't, like a law of nature. He should just leave Ghost there to be found out and die. He would deserve it for being so witless. What in the world was he thinking!?  

Cedric stopped abruptly when he climbed the last staircase in the castle. Here he was. The king had always been some shadowy figure that floated at the edge of his mind. He had no idea what the king even looked like, despite the fact he had lived in the king's house all his life. It seemed as though the king as a person didn't even exist, he was just some figure of speech, like luck or evil. What would happen to him if the king caught him at this moment? Something terrible, horrible, unspeakable.  

"Ghost!" Cedric hissed, wondering which door the king lurked behind. Where was that fool Ghost?  

"What are you doing here?" Asked nothing at all.  

"Ghost!" Cedric exclaimed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"  


"We have to go back, don't you understand?" Cedric was getting angry now.  

"You go back. You're the visible one."  

"Don't you know what they'll do to you if they catch us?"  

"They'd kill us. Just like in the rest of the castle."  

"No-worse. Much worse."  

"Is there anyone in here?" Ghost asked, completely ignoring Cedric.  

"We. Need. To. Go."  

"I'm going to open this door regardless if you answer my question. So in the case that there are numerous people in that room that will want to look outside of the door where you are, I suggest that you tell me how many people there are in that room.  

Cedric shot him, well, shot the space where Ghost could have been in a dirty look, sighed, and put a hand to the wall. "There's no-one in here."  

"Fantastic. You wouldn't happen to know what's in here, would you?"  

"I'm a magic weaver, not a map." Cedric grumbled.  

Ghost appeared from thin air, rubbed his hands together, and dramatically opened both doors. Cedric gasped at the same moment Ghost's mouth dropped open. Then he grinned and whisked into the room.  

It was unfathomably enormous, larger than the front room on the first floor, and everything was molded in a white granite, black veins running through it, with gold details. The front of the room was flat, with a mammoth oak table, chairs lining the sides, save for one side. On the table was a red tapestry, its edges gracefully touching the floor, and on top of the red was a map of the country with scribble that reminded Cedric of the map that was in Jack's room. In the middle of the room white stairs ascended to a platform, and on that platform a throne was positioned, and the rich quality of the throne made the room look commonplace. It was black, with diamond and gold threads darting across in intricate designs. Inlaid in the intricate designs were jewels of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Its back climbed to the sky, for the top almost tapped the ceiling.  

"The throne's made out of black ivory." Ghost stated in wonder, batting at a sapphire. "You can't buy that anywhere anymore. A few grams are probably worth hundreds of dollars, at least." Ghost tugged on the sapphire, playing with it like a cat, testing to see if he could pry it loose.  

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