Chapter Four(v2)

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thanks for keeping up with Magic Weaver! the last page of this chapter, grusome as if was, was awesome to write. Vote, and comment cause I'd love to get your opinion! And fan if you want to read more when I post 'em.  


Chapter Four

The Veil Lifted

Cedric cowered on the ground, coughing up blood that pooled around his body, awaiting Rafe to command him to stand again. This time, however, Cedric knew he couldn't rise. His body felt like a giant stack of pulverized meat. It didn't feel like his body anymore. Cedric's body and mind were separate entities, and his mind no longer had any control over his body. Rafe silently stood over Cedric, staring at him with those dark merciless eyes, breathing deeply from the physical strain. Cedric dreaded what Rafe would do next, but at the same time was in too much agony to really care. The thought crossed Cedric's mind that Rafe might kill him. My stupid pride He thought dully. It's going to be my death, and yet I still can't regret that what I did.  

Cedric could feel Rafe's eyes study him as he lay on the ground shivering and softly moaning. The sound was something Cedric could not control, just like his body. Cedric waited for what Rafe would do next. Minutes passed. Cedric’s head pulsed.  

There was a sudden violent clattering noise near Cedric's head. He spun up and away from it, sure it would mean pain. But Cedric heard a door slam, and Rafe's shadow was now gone. Cedric didn’t care what had caused the noise, his curiosity for what caused the noise was eclipsed by the pain that enveloped him. Blood filled all his senses. He could taste it on his tongue, smell the rancid stench, and feel the pool of blood around him by the tips of his fingers that dipped into the puddle. After a time-Cedric had no idea how long it could have been-the initial shock and fresh pain receded. He was now able to detect a nauseating smell. Cedric turned his head to see a platter of food. The sight made vomit rise up his throat. The very thought of food was too much for his body to handle. Inch by agonizing inch, Cedric scooted backward, away from the food until eventually his back hit the cell wall. Through bleary eyes Cedric could see a trail of blood from where he had traveled. He was losing a lot of blood. Death might be right behind him. Cedric had been thinking a lot about death lately, yet he was still shocked to find it at his doorstep. He was too young to die in such a stupid and useless manner. As he contemplated this, his brain suddenly stopped. Everything went black.  

Something cold drenched Cedric's head. His eyes flickered open, spitting out the blood that had gathered in his mouth.  

"Thank God." Cedric heard someone mutter above him. It was the cook. "Cedric?" Cedric felt the cook touch his face tentively.  

Cedric found he couldn't respond. His body was so bloody and battered his mind couldn’t work his vocal chords, couldn’t interpret what body part was where anymore. It was too paralyzed in agony. 

"Cedric!" the cook said sharply. "Cedric! Look at me."  

There was an edge to the cook's voice that made Cedric look up despite the pain. . The cook's face was out of focus, blurry and swirling.   

The cook started to gingerly touch Cedric's ribs, the back of his head and other places that Rafe had struck. "You've lost a lot of blood." The cook murmured. "Your ribs might be broken. But when it comes to your face you were lucky. No teeth missing, no broken nose, not even a black eye. The back of your head is alarming, however."  

Cedric's head must have split open a time he fell. Sometimes the strikes were so hard he couldn't put out his hands in time to stop the fall.  

"I'm guessing you have a concussion, so you shouldn’t sleep in the next twenty four hours. If you don't die, I suppose you'll be alright. Don't take my word for it though-I'm a cook, not a doctor. Get me some bandages." He told the guard. Apparently the guard didn't listen, because a moment later the cook said, "Come now, it's not like he can escape in this condition. He can't even stand."

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