Chapter Twenty Six(v2)

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Chapter Twenty Six

The King's Veil Lifted

            In the morning, there was a hint of uneasiness in the air. The king weighed on everyone's mind. Before Cedric woke up, Ghost had told everyone what he and Cedric saw in the king's throne room, but they were waiting for Cedric to wake up to discuss it. Cedric just wanted to talk to Emily again, but he knew that it wouldn't do any good anyway. She needed time before she would be open to anything he said. The Magician's Skat gathered in a group, even Jack, although Jack's allegiance with them was loose to almost nonexistent. Cedric go the feeling that soon Jack would long for his life of books, and James again and desert them. Cedric sighed. Maybe their relationship would never be as strong as it was when they were in the castle, as when they were escaping together. It was a united cause that brought them together, and Jack's eye was shifting to a different cause than this one.

            Cedric wasn't sure what he thought of being in the Magician's Skat yet. It seemed too deadly, too aggressive for Cedric's tastes. He wasn't the type of person that would run toward the face of an enemy. He was more the type of person that would run, or if he had to, attack from behind. And although he had killed Clyde, he wasn't savoring the thought that he'd probably have to kill again.

            The cook stood to the side, watching the meeting but not taking part in it. Although he was not in the Magician's Skat, that didn't mean he was banned from the meeting.

            As Cedric watched him with a fond expression, Jayson approached him.

            "Would you like to join our group?" he invited in a quiet voice, always the opportunist.

            The cook shook his head waving his hands. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm a cook, not a fighter.  I couldn't handle any sort of weapon."

            "We could use a good cook." Jayson responded convincingly. "You don't have to fight."

            The cook chuckled. "I was the king's personal cook for over twenty years. I've been serving his meals, cleaning his dishes, and living in his home as long as I can remember." There was a glint in the cook's eye that Cedric had never seen before. "Of course I'll feed the rebellion against him." 

            Jayson shook his hand. "Good to have you Joseph."

            Jayson laughed, and Cedric could tell that they'd be good friends. It was strange; in all the years Cedric had been the cook's student, he never saw his mentor breaking a rule, or heard him complaining. Cedric had simply assumed, for some reason, that the cook didn't mind being a servant. But now, it was obvious that he loathed it. Of course he loathed it-everyone did! But maybe, after all those years working in the castle, the cook's hatred had changed from a burn to a simmer. Quiet, but still there. It seemed like all the adult servants were like that. Maybe because the rest but the obedient, the wordless, were culled. The only way to survive that castle for an extended period of time was with your head down.

            Everyone was in the little circle, except Gabriel. He had left, the gold bar Ghost had stolen in the king's throne room in hand to sell on the black market. Ghost had told him to use the money on the hospital once he sold the gold.

            Jayson clapped his hands. "Alright. Let's get this started. We've already heard what Ghost saw. Cedric, what did you see in the king's throne room?"

            Cedric recounted the events, slowly and carefully, to leave nothing out. When he had finished, a murmur rolled through the crowd like a wave.

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