Chapter 14: Potential

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You sat in front of Jason as he sat across from you. You didn't know where exactly you were but it was nice. " How do you feel?" He asked you." I feel like my blood is boiling. It feels like everything around me is alive" you told him. " Well what do you feel when you look at me" he asked you." I feel....I feel like your not going to love me after this. That your gonna hate me for what I really am. I never m-" " No listen to me okay! Your amazing and beautiful and absolutely stunning I should have told you this sooner but I never got the chance. But listen to me Y/N this is not you. This is something that you can overcome, yes its different and this means so much more but you will always be the same girl I love, none of this changes that" he told you grabbing your hand and you smiled at him.

" Do you mean it?" You asked him." You can bet on it" he smiled. " Now I need you to do me a favor" he told you. " What is it?" You asked him." I need you to cooperate with zalgo I know you don't want to but listen to me please Y/N, I can teach you to control this but it will never match up to what he can teach you and what you can do with it" he told you. " I don't want to trust him" you told him." Please Y/N just try, slendy and the others will also help you but zalgo is the one person who can really help you control this" he told you and you glanced at him." If you won't do this for yourself, then do this for me" he begged and you sighed." Fine but what if I don't learn to control it?" You asked him." I know you'll learn it in no time" he smiled at you.

" now let's go slendy and the others are waiting for you" he told you and you sighed." Can we just go home?" You asked him." I think zalgo has to run some more test other than that I think we can go home tonight" he smiled and you nodded. You got up holding his hand and he walked back with you. The more you walked the more lightheaded you were getting to the point you almost fell over. Jason looked over to you worriedly scooping you up into his arms before continuing to walk." Your body's exhausted, you haven't eaten anything in 3 days" he reminded you and you nodded. You fell asleep in his arm as he walked back to wherever it was the others were waiting for you.

1 hour later

When you woke up you were sitting in the chair Jason was earlier." Is that supposed to happen?" Jason asked zalgo and zalgo smiled." I have no idea" zalgo told him and you stared at them confused. " What is it?" You asked him." Nothing, I just think clockworks going to have to cut your hair" he said and that's when you noticed how long your hair had gotten since you had fallen asleep." It might just be growing because of the genetic change don't stress about it" zalgo told you. Someone knocked on the door and zalgo opened it for slendy as he walked in with a tray full of food. " I didn't really know what you liked so I brought a little bit of everything" he said and you smiled at him." Do you feel any better than you did earlier?" Zalgo asked you." I still hate you, but I have to tolerate you" you told him and you tried to ignore the glare Jason was giving you.

" well eat up we still have a lot to do today" Slendy told you. You ate as Jason helped zalgo with a few things." I'm sorry" you heard slendy say and you glanced at him."What are you apologizing for?" You asked him." I'm sorry for letting you stay, I should have sent you back when you wanted to leave, I should have been more careful" he said and you glanced at him. " Stop apologizing it's dumb, your slendy for gods sake since when do you ever apologize? What happened to me was bound to happen, that's the truth whether you made it happen sooner is another dilemma" you told him and he glanced at you." Now what we really need to talk about is you" you told him."Me?"He asked you." When was the last time you killed slendy?" You asked him and he sat there for a minute quiet.

" Since you were a child" he told you." Why?"you asked him." Because I was so terrified that I'd lose it again" he said. " You can't control it can you?" You asked him." I-I can I just...I just become someone I don't recognize, I become the very thing I fear and it doesn't faze me until it's over. I mean, How can I be the others leader if I don't even know what the hell I become when I lose it?" He admitted and you sat up." Jason, becomes this anger driven boy when he loses it and doesn't remember what he did when he does but he learned to control it, I mean no offense but if Jason did it then what excuse do you have?" You told him. " I don't want to end up killing one of you" he told you." You know that you won't do that slendy" you told him.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora