Chapter 6: differences

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Two weeks later

You had said goodbye to your brother for one last time and you were now back at the apartment. Slendy told you that his brothers would come and pay they're respects when they got here. Which was the start of a new month. You sat on the couch watching black and white movies which you didn't understand. But you didn't care if it was enough to keep you in your depressing state you were fine with it.

"Y/N how long are you goanna sit here for" Jason asked you walking in." Until death comes and drags me to hell" you mumbled." Don't say that come on go outside I'll even take you to the mansion" he said trying to pull you off the couch." I wanna sit her till I die of dehydration and starvation which ever gets me first" you told him." Can you just come outside please" he begged you." Will you leave me alone then" you said irritated. " Yes I will" he said. You got up slowly and he covered your eyes." Keep walking " he said leading you."Now open your eyes" he said moving his hand. Sitting there was a giant teddy bear with a red bow wrapped around its neck. This thing looked taller than slendy. " Did you make this" you asked him.

"Just for you" he said smiling." THANK YOU" you said hugging him. " No prob" he said rubbing the back of his neck. " How do you intend to get that thing in the house" Jeff said popping out of nowhere." About that" he said silently. " We can just make it fit inside the door" he told you. "Good luck with that jason, Y/N slendy needs you at the mansion for something" Jeff told the two of you.

" You need to make sure not to break anything, in the meanwhile I'll be at the mansion" you told Jason leaving with jeff. You walked to the mansion and got there in a few minutes. You went to slendys office where he was sitting down. Splendy, trender, offender and tender were there too." We just like to say were sorry for your loss" his brothers all told you." To make you feel better we got you a few things. They each pulled out a gift bag and they handed them to you. You opened each of them and looked at them the gifts they got you were expensively high.

" You guys you didn't need to" you told them. " Hey its okay we just wanted to make you feel better " slendy reassured you. " But these are expensive things I can't take this" you said feeling guilty. " No Y/N you deserve these things" slendy said sounding serious." THANK YOU " you said giving way of them a hug. " it was no trouble at all" they told you. "Thanks for trying to make me feel better" you told them smiling. "It's no problem and get some rest we were told you haven't been sleeping lately "Splendy said hurrying you out of slendys office. You walked back to Jason realm abs you saw that the teddy bears foot was stuck in the door. "Y/N your back so soon" he said from inside."Yeah I'm how am i suppose to get inside " you asked him. "I almost got it through just go to my workshop if you want" he said sighing. You put the bags down by the door and walked to his work shop.

You sat In a chair and looked at all the toys on the desk you noticed the many numbers of toys around the room. Why didn't he ever give these toys to other little kids. You looked At The Drawing On The Desk It Was Something About The Perfect Toy For Someone And You Were Wondering who. You got up and looked around the place was nicely decorated and you saw that there was a stair well that led to somewhere. You went up the stairs to see it lead you a room. This must have been his room because there was a bed and several things that looked like they blogged to him. You saw pictures of a group of some of the other creepy pasts on the wall. But you didn't see not one photo of him involved in it. You found that strange and you looked through his closet. You were wondering how the he'll he wore the same outfit when he had different outfits in his closet some that you found nice yourself.

You went back downstairs after looking around after little more and sat by a bunch of toys. You eventually got bored and you saw there was a calendar on the wall. You didn't even know what time it was you just know it was somewhere around the afternoon. You looked at the Calendar to see that there were many notes on it. Most of them said your name for some reason. There were some days that were marked in marker and you then realized that you were three days away from your birthday. You smiled at the thought and you saw that the box was squared in green marker for some reason. Maybe he already knew maybe that's why he gave you the bear. You left the workshop and walked back to see if he had gotten the teddy bear in yet. You found him walking out dusting himself off.

"I finally got it" he said sighing. " Got what" you asked him. " The teddy bear I finally got it inside" he said. "Well ill be back y/N I have to go do something real quick, make sure you lock the door and to look through the window before opening the door and don't go anywhere "he said walking off. You went inside and closed the door. You looked at the teddy bear sitting in the corner of your room. You locked the door and laid your head on it. You turned on the TV and got comfortable, then eventually fell asleep.

Time skip

You woke up to the sound of some knocking on the door. You heard yells and it was your name. "Y/N are you okay" Someone from outside yelled. You looked through the window to see Splendy standing there looking worried out of his mind. You walked up to the door and unlocked it and looked up at him. " were you sleeping oh my goodness dear I'm so sorry" he said said seeing your tired face."It's nothing why are you even here" you asked him. " I wanted to visit you and Jason asked me if I could watch you which surprised me since he got upset that last time I was with you" he said closing the door. "Alright then just sit down and try to keep your voice down I'm still half asleep" you told him keeping one eye open.

" Do you have anything exciting going on" he asked you." Nope nothing at all" you told him."I know you might say no but do you wanna go somewhere" he asked you. " it's better than staying in here and what more do I have to live for" you mumbled getting up. " don't say that y/N things will get better" he said patting your back. "Thats what everyone keeps saying I don't believe it" you said sighing. " Climb on we'll talk on the way" he said squatting down for you to get on. You grabbed onto him and he walked outside.

"I know things might seem tuff and all you want to do is give up , but that's not what life's for its so you can live it to the fullest, and it doesn't mean being depressed until you die I mean going out and having fun. I know the mansions woods might seem like a dangerous place but that's what makes it great because we're always goanna be there to protect you we all care about you and if you give up on life, your telling the ones cared for you goodbye and that they're attempts were pointless, do you understand what I'm trying to say" he explained." But it's hard when everything you've ever known is taken from you and your giving a new life style and to top it off you loose something you love" you said sighing.

"Y/N why didn't you tell us, we thought you were getting along fine with everything changing we thought you and gotten use to it since when you came and got along with the others and made an impression "he said stopping." I was just to scared to say anything , and I like it here but then I also miss home and it's like part of me wants to go back home and the other one wants to stay here" you told him." Oh dear, there's goanna come a time where you'll have to choose, and when the times comes everyone will be here to help you and we'll be your friends no matter what and if you choose to go back then we'll respect that but don't think we won't come and visit. And if you choose to stay here well that's another conversation for another time" He said walking again.

Time skip

You eventually saw the town from a distance and Splendy put his jacket over you. "If you see anyone you recognize keep your head down " he told you as you got closer to where all the stores were. "But wait what are you goanna have on as a disguise" you asked him. "Like this" he said turning around to face you. "H-How did you do that" you asked him completely shocked. "It's A trick we had to learn. "Now keep your head down" He said as a group of people walked past the two of you. "Have you been here before" he asked you. "Yes I have and now that you mention it I've seen you before!" you said remembering you would see a man sitting at a café. "I didn't think anyone would notice, seems like you pay attention to the things you aren't suppose to notice" he said laughing slightly. "Alright let's to eat" he said grabbing your hand. "You followed after him and kept your head down. You went to the restaurant and you looked at the TV to see your picture on it along with your brothers. "Splendy I-I...cant" you said running as far as you could.

He chased after you grabbing everyone's attention and you ran into the nearest ally. You slid down the wall hitting the ground and cried. Why could everything just be like it was before?, you thought to yourself. "I didn't want it to be like this" you mumbled and you felt something touch your shoulder. " y/N why did you do that, someone could have recognized you" he said sounding worried. You wiped the tears from your eyes and looked up at him. " I just freaked out when I saw my picture I'm sorry" you said silently. "It's okay it's my fault anyway I shouldn't have brought you back here slendy said I was forbidden to " he said rubbing the back of his neck. "How about we go back to the mansion Jason's probably over there anyway " He said sighing. You saw that there weren't that many people in the Plaza anymore.

When you got the mansion when you opened the doors you brought to a pair of blankets blocking your way. "WELCOME to our fort, state your name" Ben said peaking his head out. "Y/N how did you guys build this " you asked them. "Slendy, Jason, candy pop, LJ, and tender built it" he told you. "You may come in" he said moving the covers and Splendy followed in after you. It was like the entire mansion was made up blankets and pillows. "This is so cool " you said putting your shoes to the side. "Later were all goanna watch a movie " Jeff said walking in. "Where are the others" you asked them. "In the pillow fight room while some of them are expanding the fort" he told you."Where exactly is the pillow fight room" you asked him. "Slendys office" he told you. You grabbed a pillow and you ran to Slendys office with splendy. " You must have access to a pillow to enter this room" Jane said standing in front of the door. You held it up and she opened the door. The first thing that hit you was a pillow coming in your direction."Y/N do you like it, we made it for you" clockwork said as she hit with a pillow." This is awesome" you said. "Glad you like it, whoever the last one standing wins" she said going off somewhere. "Alright Splendy I have an idea" you told him. " We team up to take the others out and me and you and we'll be the last ones standing" you told him. " Alright get on" he said swatting down. " get them" you said and he started swinging at the others with pillows. You swung at clockwork and she complained how it wasn't fair. You had taken out everyone and it was just you and Splendy left and you grabbed your pillow and jumped behind him knocking him to the ground. "I win" you said holding up your pillow. And the others started laughing. "What's funny " you asked them. "Nothing at all" they said. And the next thing you knew you were knocked to the ground." I win" candy pop cheered and you glared at him. "Alright everyone to the bouncy room" clockwork said helping you up. "We have a bouncy room" you asked her. "Yeah come check it out " she said pulling you along with everyone who was running. You got the room that was filled with mattresses. The walls were lined with mattress and the floor was stacked with them.

Time skip

After spending the entire day jumping asked round and everyone went to the living room send turned on the tv. Which wasn't goanna be big enough for everyone to see. "So we have a problem " clockwork announced. They all gave her they're attention and fell silent. "There are too many of us and only one TV so how are we goanna do this" she asked them." I have a solution" you told her. " Why don't we just grab a sheet and project the movie onto there" you told her. " But what about sound" she asked you. " I got that covered" you said reassuringly. "You find a sheet that's big enough and meet me in the kitchen in thrity minutes. You went to the kitchen to see slendy "Slendy can you help me with something" you asked him. "What do you need" he said looking down at you. "Can you take me home" you said as he putting some plates away and he almost let one drop when he heard you. " go back home, what happened " he asked you startled. " Nothing, I just need to get something it's really important " you told him. " No I can't it's too dangerous " he said shaking his head.

"Please I really need it" you told him. "No, Y/N no means no you are forbidden to go back" he said sternly. "B-But..""No, end of conversation" he said rolled your eyes and went to look for jack."Alright I'll take you, only if you get me more candy" he said agreeing. -" I promise I will" you told him. You slipped past the others and spendy with jack. "Alright let's get you there quick I don't have to hear the lecture when I get back. "Jack actually take me over to jasons" you told him. " Alright" he said sighing and turning the other way. Once you got over there you walked to his work shop. But the doors were locked. " Come on this way I know another entrance " jack said leading you through the back. He opened a door and you got to the work shop. You looked around for the door and you finally found it. "I'll been back I'm gonna go and get something " he said going somewhere else. You opened the door to see the piles of toys were there you stepped inside and walked the other door. You opened it to see your bed frame. The door to you room was closed and you pushed the bed frame to the side. You locked the door and started looking for the things you needed. You found everything you needed and went back to the door. You put the things in the room and You pulled back your bed frame and closed the door. You started walking back and you started to feel light headed.

You quickened up your pace and you opened the door. Only to run into someone. "Y/N what did I tell you" slendy said looking down at you. "Sorry kid" jack said as Jeff grabbed him. "How did you even get in here" Jason said walking in. " I found a way in" you said not wanting to get jack in trouble. " Better yet how did you even know I was here" you asked them. " When you told me you wanted to go back I could only assume that you would try to get there the fastest way there was" slendy said sounding angry. " what was the reason for you going back anyway?" Jeff asked you. "I wanted to get some things alright I don't understand whats the big deal is" you told them. " You don't understand everytime you go back you out yourself in danger a everytime Either come back hurt or crying so we just decided to not let you Go back anymore" Jason said. " That's not what splendy told me " you snapped at them. " Well whatever he told you is not true better yet this conversation is over, your grounded" slendy said turning away. He left and you stormed out Jason was just standing there yelling at jack while jack argued back. Jeff looked at you and had worried look on his face. You left and went the farthest you could. " I know its not easy " you heard someone say. You turned around to See Jeff sitting on a tree.

" It's not fair I Went back to get the things you guys needed and now im grounded " you said irritated. "I know it's not friar but think about It there's one easy way to get slendy to forget about this entire thing." Jeff told you." I don't care anymore I wish I never came here" you said continuing to walk to your apartment. " You'll get used to it soon don't worry" he said as you closed the door. You sat in the middle of the room staring at the teddy bear. You glared at it when you thought about him. You wanted to cry from frustration why couldn't things go back to the way they were. The old you who didn't care about anything the one who didn't need anyone to protect you. Your life would be better if you had never opened that stupid door. You punched the wall various times and looked at the hole you made. "this isn't how it was suppose to be " you yelled. You kept hitting the wall until you saw that you had made a hole your size. You looked at your hands they were bloody and you cursed at yourself from the pain. You went to the kitchen and looked for the first aid kit.

The next day

You had stayed inside the entire day, Jason came in various times to make sure you didn't leave. You had covered the hole with a painting that was in your room bad you sat there and stared at the wall you were spending the day before your birthday inside you should be happy but it was just the opposite. You looked at the camera on the dresser and just thought what you could possibly. But if course what was there left to do you couldn't even go outside since slendy made sure to send the others to keep you in lock down. You went to the living room and you saw clockwork sitting there. "Back to your room" she said dully. " come on clockwork all I wanna do is go outside" you told her. " I can't let you slendy has everyone keeping an eye on you" she said sighing. "I cant believe I have to spend the entire day in here with nothing to do I'm just gonna go to bed then" you said going back to your room and slamming the door.

The day of your birthday

You woke up and you were determined about what you were gonna do today. "Happy fucking birthday to me" you said grabbing a set of clothes from the closet. Trender had been making you clothes since he came back even though slendy didn't allow it. You grabbed a black t shirt and some jeans and tied you'r hair in a pony tail. You opened the door and ,looked at Jeff who was standing in the living room. You casually walked into the kitchen and grabbed drink from the fridge. Yao walked to the living room and sat on the couch. "Jeff theres something over there look" you said and he turned the other way and you poked him. "What was that for and your suppose to be in your room." This s the worst birthday ever" you mumbled silently. "It's your birthday " he asked you. "Yes and this is the worst birthday ever" you told him. "Well I can't do anything to help you just go to your room so I don't get in trouble" he said taking you back to your room. He closed the door and you heard the lock click and you turned the knob to see that the door wasn't opening. You didn't deserve this you wanted to celebrate but now you were sitting in there with nothing to do.

Three hours later

You were sitting there upset you had stopped kicking the wall and you were frustrated if you had to stay in all day they should have at least gave you something. You walked to the door and gave the knob a turn and you heard the lock unclick. You opened the door to see that none of the others were there you opened the door to only be scared shitless. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N "they all yelled at the top of they're lungs. Your smile was priceless and you were speechless." How did you guys know" you asked them. " I told them" Jeff said smiling. "Were really sorry we kept you inside all day if we had known we would have never done it" they all apologized. "Lets get this party started" they all cheered and you were just wondering how could one small group make so much noise. Music started blasting and you looked around and didn't see a stereo you were just wondering where it was and then you saw what was beside the apartment. You looked at toby and he smiled at you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the small stage that was set up.

" Do you like it" he asked yelling over the music. " I love it thx a lot" you told him. "No problem now go and enjoy the party " said smiling. You hopped off the stage and you were lifted of the ground. "Happy birthday Y/N" slendy sad putting you on his shoulders. "Thanks for the party " you told him. " No problem dear I'm really sorry I kept You inside all day I'll make it up to you I promise " he told you. "Slendy where's Jason" you asked him. "I umm.. I don't know he's probably busy " he said setting you down. "Alright well I'm going to go get something ill be right back " you told him running inside. You got your camera and snuck your way past slendy you made your way to his workshop. You knocked on the door but got no answer and you opened the door to see the lights were off and who ever was there was just silently doing something you stepped closer as you saw someone sitting at the table the moonlight showed you who it was and it wasn't him. They're hair was white and there was a horrible stench ad something was dripping of the table. You stepped back only to stumble on a toy making a loud noise. The person turned around and you realized it was him and you quickly got up and ran out the workshop. The doors opened and you could hear him running after you. His glowing Eyes seemed to follow your every move ad you made it back to the apartment and the others didn't notice him and you got inside and went to your room and closed the door and you locked it.

You pushed yourself against the door when you heard him banging against it. He kicked it and you heard the lock crack and the door opened sending you into the wall. He gripped your neck and the smile on his face sent chills done your spine. "J-Jason let go" you said trying to pull his hand off. He tightened his grip and you were running out of breath. "S-Stop your scaring me" you said as tears started surfacing and black spots started to blur your vision. " LET GO" You screamed at him kicking him to let you go. He let go and you gasped for air as the tears spilled out your eyes. He walked away and the white faded out of his hair and you got up shaking. You walked out the room to see him sitting there staring at the wall. You looked in to the mirror to see a bruise on the side from his grip. You looked at him and he kept his eyes fixated on the wall like if it was the most interesting in the world. "Jason" you said silently. " What do need Y/N" he asked you breaking his gaze.

To be continued

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERWhere stories live. Discover now