Chapter 11: Field Trip

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You sat up and you saw Slendy sitting in the corner of the room." Did you find what you were looking for?" He asked you and you shook your head. " Well then Jason isn't back yet" he said and you sat in silence for a while. " Can I ask you something?" He said and you nodded. " Did you feel anything at all when you were down there?" He asked you. " Not at all" you told him and he sat up. " If what you say is true, then I think we have a bigger problem then just Zalgo" he said " why do you say that" you asked him. " I'm not trying to freak you out but I've been thinking about what happened earlier and I think I know what's going on" he told. " which is?" You asked.

" I don't think your human Y/N, you look act, sound, and behave like a human but some part of you just isn't human at all" he told you. " How can you be sure about that" you asked him. " Well...There are only two ways you'll be able to know if it's true and they aren't exactly the safest" he told you, " I can handle it I'm sure I can, if not I'll die trying" you told him and he sighed. " Let me just get in touch with my brothers and then we'll see" he told you. " Why do they have to be here" you asked him. " Because they are the only way we will know for sure" he said and you nodded." Please figure it out" you told him and he nodded.

"I'm back" you heard Jason yell and he came up the steps followed by Jeff. He had a basket in his hand that had several foods in it. " Alright it took me a while to make everything but I promise you it was worth the wait" Jason smiled as he set the basket on the desk that was sitting against the wall. " Well I'll be going, I'll come by later to continue our conversation " Slendy said before he got up and left. "Well you need to stay alive so eat" Jeff said handing you a container. " thanks" you said softly. " Well I'm going to go outside and give you two some space" Jeff said going down the steps. " you feel better" he asked you and you nodded as you ate.

" Listen Y/N I know that we haven't um..really spent time together with everything that was going on, but if you want I'll put everything I have to do today on hold just to spend time with you" he said and you shook your head. "I don't mind really, I know your busy with everything so I'd rather you do everything you have to do, and then if you have any time left then we hang out I guess " you told him. " Are you sure" he asked you. " Yea, the last thing I would want to do today is to distract you from what you love doing the most" you told him. " One day without toy making won't kill me Y/N" he said softly and you smiled. " Only one day, that's it" you told him and he smiled.

You finished eating and he sat down next to you. " So what's been going on lately?" You asked him. " Oh nothing really just the girl I love, forgets me and then I almost ended up dying, then I was an errand boy" he told you. " Sorry about that" you said softly. " It not a problem" he said and you smiled. " One day I'm going to be like you" you told him and he glanced at you.

" I know I'm not in a position to tell you what's good for you and what's not but I can't help but just think about this...Being One of us isn't as great as you think it is, we do things that we sometimes don't want to do Y/N, you have to be willing to lose everything one second and to sacrifice someone the next, I don't want you to be one of us" he said and you got up. " Are you serious right now?!" You asked him. " I just think that it isn't meant for you Y/N Your human, you can die out there and I don't want you to go through something so dangerous, yes I don't mind you learning how to defend yourself but you going out there to kill someone it's something I don't want for you. Those types of things can change you" he told you.

" Excuse me if I'm being rude but who decided that it was best to being me here you did, and when you told me to come and live with over here, it's because you said you'd change. If I want to be like you that's my decision not yours and I'm not going to change my mind" you told him. "Alright if your so determined to be one of us then how about we go on a field trip?" he asked. "A field trip" you asked him." To tonight's run" he said and you nodded. "I'm going to prove you wrong" you told him. " We'll see about that" he said and you glared at him. "If I do prove you wrong you will give up being one of us and continue on without mentioning a single word about it again" he said and you nodded.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERWhere stories live. Discover now