Chapter 4: Start of something new

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" Where are we going" you asked him." Somewhere fun and you may have been there before" he said throwing you over his shoulder. " Hold on tight" he said before running. In a matter of minutes you were at Jason's and in the clothes you were in yous rather have the ground open up and drag you to hell. " What are you wearing" he asked examining you from every angle possible." Don't ask.." you glared at him. " Well now that were here come on we have to fix my hammer" candy pop cheered dragging Jason off somewhere and you followed after them. But before you could go in Jason made sure to close the door declining you an entrance. You huffed and started walking around and you could hear candy pop complaining why you weren't allowed inside." What are you doing here" you asked the others seeing them walking around." Well were just........visiting" they told you." Well we will see you later bye be careful on your way back to the mansion" Jeff said hurrying the others somewhere else.

Time skip

you were now walking in the entrance of the mansion because you couldn't find anyone else to talk to. You wandered around the mansion and didn't run into alot of people so your one choice was to go to talk to slendy. who was probably just sitting in his office doing nothing. You knocked on the door and you heard him tell you to come in. You ignored the static playing in your head when he turned around to look down at you. You looked at his room as you noticed that his room had a second floor. " Go ahead and go up there if you like that's were trender does most of his designs" slendy said sitting back down. You climbed up the steps that were on the other side of the room. He really needed an elevator. You saw trender sitting at a desk drawing something. You could see it was a dress and a nice one that you personally liked. "Are you busy" he asked you." Nope just standing here doing nothing" you told him."In that case go try this on" he said handing you a dress. You went downstairs and into the bathroom to try on the dress it was nice just not your style.You came back to slendys office where he come where he complemented you. You went back upstairs to trender who was now telling you he didn't like the dress. " Go try these on and whichever you like then that's the one you can have" he said passing you several dresses.

After trying on all the dresses you picked out your favorite one the only problem was that you also had another you liked. If anything you find them both equal to beauty one looked bad ass which you liked the other looked really nice so you wanted it. You went up stairs to trenders office where he was sketching another dress. He looked at you from every angle and he approved of it. "I like it, is this the one you want to keep" he asked you." well yes...but i like the red one too" you said holding up the other one." Well i'll make a deal with you i'll let you keep both dresses but you don't tell the others about my office above slendys room they've been dying to get in here" he said holding out his hand. "you got a deal" you said shaking his hand." Alright go change and make sure to not let the others see you" he said as you twirled around in the dress. You went downstairs and made sure to not let anyone see you. You kept yourself in your room putting away the dress and right when you closed the closet door someone came bargaining in. " Y/N guess what" overly exited clockwork said jumping up and down. " what" you said fixing your hair. "We're gonna...who gave you that" she said picking up the box on your dresser." no,no,no, give me that" you said taking it out of her hands.

" Who gave it to you" she said taking it out of your hands again. " Jason did now can you give it back" you said annoyed. " someone's got a crush on you" she chimed. " I-it's not like that!" You stuttered out." Sure...what till i tell slendy" she said running off with the box in her hand. You chased after her as she was screaming for sledny to come see." Whats going on who's hurt" he said running out his office." Look at what Jason gave Y/N" clockwork said overly excited once again." Its not like that!" you yelled at her." I think he likes her" clockwork chimed." Clockwork what have i told you about this.." " But look at her face its all pink" she said pointing at you." Because she feels embarrassed" he said in an irritated tone." But its true, why don't we ask Jason and if he gives me an answer then I'll leave her be, but i doubt it because i doubt you would give your most prized possession to a "friend" " she implied. " Can you just let it go" you whined." Not until i get an answer", ill be back with an answer!" she said saying it as if she was determined to get an answer. Slendy raced after her trying to grab her from going out the door. You ran after her trying to take the box out of her hands. " CLOCKWORK!" slendy and you yelled at her at the same time. The others soon joined in seeing that this was entertaining. " Wait whats going on" the others said confused." None of your business!" you yelled at them infuriated. You could see the entrance to Jason's realm and there he was walking around. Clockwork ran in tackling him down why you tried to pry her off of him." Jason!Jason!Jason! i have a question for you!" she told him shaking him by the shoulder." ALRIGHT! JUST GET OFF ME!" he yelled at her. She stood up ready to ask him the question. " Alright, come here" she said as he bent down to her height. She whispered something in his ear and you saw his cheek go red and then his gaze fell on you." whats your answer" clockwork protested." CLOCKWORK IT IS'NT RIGHT IF YOU DO THAT TO HER THAT IS HER BUSINESS NOT YOURS!" slendy yelled at her as soon as he saw your face.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERWhere stories live. Discover now