Chapter 13: Processing

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Slendys Pov

"So what are some things that won't let her wake up?" Jason asked Zalgo. " There are only two things that can explain this either Y/N doesn't want to wake up and whatever she's dreaming seems so real to her that she thinks she's awake and I'm hoping it's not this...Her body is slowly deteriorating from the inside because of the fall she took and is healing her with slendys blood might have made it worse" he said and I stared at him in disbelief." She's dying, so you made things worse!" I snapped." Technically we slowed her death down she would have bled out if we didn't heal her" he said." I mean how can we fix this she can't die!" I yelled at him.

Jason's Pov

"Do you think I would let her die! She's my daughter! The only way to make sure she gets out of this alive and wakes up as soon as possible is that we unlock the rest of the inhuman part of her" zalgo said." No if we do that there's no telling what she could become" slendy said." I don't think you have a say in the matter seeing that your the one that got her in this mess" I snapped at him." You're the one she trust with her life, the decision is yours" zalgo said. " Do whatever it takes just make sure she stays alive" I told him. " I mean she going to need more blood then" he told me." Use mine" I told him. " Are you sure I'm talking about several pints of blood" he told me."Jason you-"

"Not now slendys someone needs to save Y/N from the mess you dragged her in, and I'm here to do it"I said not wanting to hear whatever he was going to say." If you cared about her you wouldn't be so hesitant about this" I told him." I do care about her!But if she unlocks that other half she'll be someone else" he said."I don't care who she becomes.The important thing is that she's alive!" I told him raising my voice. " Let's get started as soon as we can" I told zalgo. " Jason you are making a mistake, one that your going to regret deeply. I know it was my idea to bring her to zalgo but that was only so she would heal quicker if she unlocks that other half she could lose her humanity. She wouldn't be the Y/N you know!" Slendys told me and I glared at him.

" If you had told me the truth from the beginning we wouldn't have needed zalgo I could have told you if she was human or not! There were a million other things we could've done to know what she was. But now we're stuck in this mess and she's running out of time and she's counting on me to save her because you failed her when she trusted you with her life!" I told him. " Now get out if your just going to try to stop us, she doesn't have much time left we need to start now" Zalgo interrupted. " If she ends up worse than before it's in your hands" slendy said before leaving the room. " Alright, lets get started Y/n is counting on us" I told him as slendy closed the door." This is going to take a while" he said as he grabbed a book from the desk next to the bed she was on.

Three hours later

I still sat there as the needle in my arm kept drawing blood. Had I known she would need this much I would have asked on if slendy's brothers to help me out too, but we don't have the time to do that now. I'll stay right here until I run out of blood or she wakes up. Even if I have to let myself go for a while to make more blood I'll risk it." Will you be alright?" zalgo asked as the ends of my hair started to turn white." I'll be fine don't stop because of me, just make sure she wakes up" I told him." Keep yourself conscious I can't have you dying on me as well then slendy really will kill me" he said and I nodded. " you've...Changed for her" he said." What are you on about?" I asked him.

"In the past you'd have to be angry to let that other side of you come out but ever since she's gotten here you seem to be able to control it, your conscious of what your doing and not rage blinded, am I wrong?" He asked me. " I have to be better for her,...she deserves it, she's sacrificed so much for me" I told him. " When I told her to cross that line it was so she wouldn't fall in love with you....I was....afraid that if she fell in love with you, that she would feel the pain of losing someone you care about because they leave you behind or get tired of you" he said and I started to see my arms going black.

-My Kind Of Fun- JASON THE TOY MAKER X TEEN READERHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin