( 46. ) They hurt you

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Arguing with Clarke was like arguing with a brick wall. You got nowhere, yet you continued feed on her anger believing that it would satisfy your own. "You know, maybe if you listened to other people instead of yourself for once, things could actually go right." you accuse, crossing your arms over your chest. Clarke glared at you, obviously taking much offense from your statement.

"Well, at least the one thing that I'm not fucking up, is our relationship. You do all that yourself!" she fired back, only making you angrier.

"Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I just fucked it up some more, huh?" you turn to walk out but Clarke spins you around looking almost ready to fight. "Fuck off, Clar—" your bold statement was cut off by her hand connecting with your cheek. You shake your head, deciding that it was no longer worth the words and walked out of the room without protest.

You were on a hunting team with your boyfriend, the leader of the camp, and also the wise guy who suggested that you all split up to cover more area and actually find a prey. With nothing in your hands, you stomped back to the meeting point and rounded a tree only to be knocked in the face with the butt of a pistol. You could only imagine who that belonged to, gathering yourself before glaring up to the man who only stared down at you with a shocked expression. "Y/N, what the hell?" Bellamy questioned, holding his hand out to help you up. "Sorry, baby. I thought you were a Grounder or something, the way you came stomping around that tree."

"Hey, Bell, Grounders are quiet and no animal stomps." you remind him with a roll of your eyes, "Keep that in mind, or else next time you'll be the one getting pistol whipped." He chuckled at your threat, kissing your cheek tenderly.

You waited in the room used to hold people prisoner before they were sent to fight for their freedom. Pacing back and forth, you couldn't believe that Octavia would actually lock you up for refusing to eat. She was once your lover, but being in the bunker for so long and running out of survival options has changed her. The heavy metal door opens and she walks in. Her dark glare roamed over you, instantly making you feel uneasy. "You said, you would not fight?" she spoke, tilting her head as she studied you briefly.

You nod, "I can't. They are my people and I will not fight them."

"They are traitors, just like you. But, if you will not fight them–" she draws her sword, pointing it at you threateningly. "Then you will fight me." You immediately shake you head, disagreeing. Before you could speak another word, she swings the blade down on your shoulder. You back away, hand retracting to the open cut. "You won't last five minutes out there."

"I loved you." you mutter out weakly, your words ceasing her movements. She stared down at your figure, not saying another word.

Ever since Jaha had returned from the City of Light, Raven has been acting different and it put you on edge when you were around her. She would often zone out, didn't listen to what you were saying, and used harsh words when you called her out on it or accused her of doing something differently. "Raven, were you even listening?" you groan out to your girlfriend, shaking your head. She tilts her head, giving you a strange look. "What is wrong with you? I mean, what– what happened? Is it me? Did I do something?" you worried, moving closer to her.

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