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You never imagined the day that you would be on Earth. All you've ever known were the white-stained metal walls of the Ark, every machine hum was just the normal. Then you were chosen, because of your crimes, alike many others, to be sent down to Earth. You weren't even mad that you were basically the guinea pig to the Ark's experiment. In fact, you cared less about them, joining Bellamy's revolution against the Ark rule. No longer would you have to fear being a prisoner to their silly ways.

Working alongside Bellamy, you actually grew closer to his younger sister. You found a strange interest in her, though it might have been the fact that she was the only younger sibling the Ark has seen in decades, or the other fact that she was the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. Octavia, even her name was amazing.

"Y/N, hello! Earth to Y/N." Octavia waves a hand in front of your face, breaking you from your wondering trance. You could only imagine the possibilities of what it was like to be with her. She sighs out softly, "You've been kind of out of it, lately. I'm worried. Is something wrong?" the dark-haired beauty expressed her care, feeling that if something were to bother you, she would immediately put a stop to it.

"What? No, no, I'm fine." you pushed off her worry with a slight unconvincing laugh. She gives you a stern look, wanting nothing but the truth. You could easily give in, but then your secret crush for your leader's sister would be out there in the open. If as far as you could ever get with Octavia was establishing only a friendship, you would convince yourself to be content with that.

"You're not fine, and I'm offended that you can't tell me why. We're friends, Y/N. Some would even consider us best friends." Octavia went on, each time the word friend escaped her lips, you shuddered on the inside. It hurt more than you cared to ever admit.

"I actually don't know how to say what I want to. It's hard to even admit it to myself." you muttered out, sparking her interest. Octavia scooted closer to you, placing a hand on your forearm delicately, as a comforting gesture.

"Admit what?" she continued on, her big green eyes gazing over you intently.

"Two things, really. The fact that I'm into girls," you watch her expression change quickly from confusion to some sort of delight, "–Or just the fact that I'm into you."

Time seemed to slow down in that moment, once the words were said. You were awaiting some type of disgust from her part, or even for Octavia to just up and leave. Your mind traveled to all of the bad things that could happen now and all the terrible words Octavia could throw at you. But none of that happened.

Her small hand cups your cheek, leveling your face with hers. And with that, Octavia closed the tiny gap between the two of you, kissing you smooth and passionately. It was everything you've ever wanted, with the girl you never thought you would share it with.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐃,   preferences & one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें