( 58. ) When they're drunk

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She very emotional, and it's not fun at all when Clarke is drunk. It usually upsets you, because she'll end up crying or talking about her dad. You comfort her until she falls asleep and she doesn't remember anything in the morning.

He lets loose. It's a rare occurrence regarding every bad thing happening around you, so you let him have his night when he's drunk and having fun. He'll wake up with a killer hangover and constantly ask for answers of what all happened before he blacked out.

She doesn't really get drunk, but when she does, she enjoys you taking care of her. Octavia will purposely sit on your lap and cuddle up to you, basically stealing all of your attention.

She speaks of random conspiracies out of nowhere. They have no relevance to your previous conversation and she'll just blurt them out confidently.

He just lays down and stares at the ceiling, so there's really not much you can do. If you try talking to him, he'll just say something random about turtles and going back to staring at the ceiling.

He's very... frisky. Monty will wrap his arms around your waist from behind you, lean on your shoulder and whisper embarrassingly dirty things in your ear. It's more humorous than flirtatious.

He dances and sings very obnoxiously, and practically drags you with him to dance.

Somehow, he gets more sarcastic and is so much sassier. Eye rolls to the max, and he never apologizes for this behavior. He does, however, kiss you on the cheek if he annoys you too much and says, "You know you love me."

She's very loud, which only leaves you to calm her down before people complain about it. But you're lucky if you can get her to bed before 2AM, she's a handful.

He's mad at nothing, never you. But you're the one he complains to about nothing. It's usually humorous as well.

It's very rare for Lexa to get full-on drunk or act so affectionate, but when in private she kind of lets loose so she'll hold onto you or follow you around like a lost puppy.

She doesn't drink, but when she does... she doesn't get drunk. You don't have to worry about that.

She eats like everything in sight. When she wakes up the next morning, she never complains about a hangover, rather than a stomach ache.

He asks a lot of questions, some of which you don't have the answer to. If he asks a sad question and doesn't get an answer, he'll get upset and pout.

She makes up random scenarios and expects you to have the answers for them all. One time she told you about this couple and how Rebecca cheated on her husband. She wanted to know who she cheated with, but there was no Rebecca.

He just sits there. You have to check every few minutes if he's still alive, because of how motionless he is.

He stares at you and it's very weird. You help him go to sleep, but even then, he's just... staring.

She goes to sleep on her own, leaving you to only clean up behind her. Alcohol strangely makes Monroe tired easily.

He was a lightweight of course and didn't expect to be drunk, but boy was he live. You had to chase him around and make sure he didn't flash anybody or get himself hurt.

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