( 41. ) When they fell in love

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"The moment I first laid my eyes on you, I knew I was gay. And I might have, also, been a bit in love, then. But it's nothing compared to now."

"You came out of the tent wearing the exact shirt that I was looking for. I never asked for it back, because you made it look so much better."

"Love at first sight is a real thing, right? Whatever, I loved you before then. It was probably after the third flower that I knew you would be mine."

"It was a rough night and I knew I couldn't handle it alone. Of course you were there, you always have been but I was too blind back then to notice it. You held me and told me how much I meant to you. That night, I realized exactly how much you meant to me."

"You braided my hair in class one day when I was frustrated. I know it's silly, but you really made my day so much better. And then, you just... did the same thing with my life."

"You stole Jasper's candy bar and immediately came to me. Then, we were just friends but I had the hugest crush on you. I don't know if it was just the fact that you came to me of all people, or that you split the stolen candy with me, but I just couldn't stop replaying the moment in my mind."

"You placed your bet on me during a drinking game, then I lost, but we went on a walk later on that night and you challenged me yourself. The bright smile on your face was enough for me to agree to just about anything you said, probably for the rest of our lives."

"We were fighting over something stupid, but to be fair, I was probably right. Anyway, my point is, you stopped arguing and stopped being mad at some point during all of the shouting and chaos. And you just looked at me, groaned and said that you could really use a drink. Fucking weirdo, I love you."

"You were mad at this one guy for talking down to you. So you stole some of his things, taking after me of course, I'm a wonderful influence. Anyway, you brought back some of his jewelry and gave me this ring that you really liked. I really, really loved you since then."

"During our first experienced winter season on Earth, you continuously talked about the old world traditions —how the people of Earth would drink hot chocolate and cuddle with their lovers in a warm blanket. One night, you came into my tent with the largest blanket I had even seen, laid beside me in bed. Though there was no hot chocolate, I'm glad we at least made that our tradition."

"You weren't afraid of me, how most people were. I challenged you every single day and still, nothing. You came up to me one day and asked me about it, then I told you the truth and you laughed it off. I had never met someone as bright as you, so I knew you were different."

"I was ignoring you all day because you confessed your feelings for me, and I was afraid to show my own to you. But during that time I ignored you, I realized how brave it was for you to admit something like that to someone. I fell in love with you because of your bravery."

"You were the only one who came out to check on me, apologizing for something you didn't even cause. You were a good person and I knew that since I first met you. Only having experiencing your kindness for the first time, I was utterly in love with your ways."

"You were looking at my drawings, most just portraits of yourself. You looked up from the journal and smiled at me, and then asked if you could draw me sometime. It made me feel more appreciated than I had ever felt in life and I wanted to forever give you the same appreciation in return."

"You were getting frustrated while we sparred, because I kept beating you. Eventually you walked off and I followed behind you. Then you kissed me, and I feel instantly."

"You put my crown on as a joke, calling yourself a queen. I stayed quiet, but I knew that it wouldn't be a joke for long. I loved you and you looked so beautiful wearing my crown."

"You begged for me to sneak out of my camp and then we watched the stars. I asked you to tell me what it was like living in the sky. As you were talking, I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I just knew I loved you so much."

"You were complaining about this song you had stuck in your head, but you didn't know the name of it. You sang it and got frustrated when you couldn't get the lyrics right either. I thought you looked so cute and my heart skipped a beat when you finally got the tune right and you smiled so hard. I fell for you."

"You were talking about the meaning of love and your definition perfectly described my feelings towards you. It was the moment I realized that I loved you, so I confessed."

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