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*fast forward to tomorrow around 5pm*

Today has been a pretty normal Sunday. I did some yoga which is pretty surprising since I hate anything to do with exercise. I am currently just relaxing in a long t shirt and some underwear because Cara left the house to get some groceries to make a special dinner for her boyfriend Xander. I look over at the clock to see when I'm going to get ready and it's around 5 ish. Last night me and Matt agreed we'd leave around 6 so I start getting ready.

I head up to my room and go straight to the bathroom. I start doing my makeup and hair when I get a text from Matt.

Message starts now:

Hey Kat, so where do you want to go eat?

Umm what about Whataburger? I've been craving that lately.

So have I?!? That's crazy!! Okay so I'll see you around 6?

Yep. See you soon.

End of Convo.

I finish up my makeup and now it's about 5:45 so Matt should be here soon. I decided to wear my black ripped fashion nova jeans and a lace purple off the shoulder top with a purple/black flannel tied around my waist. I check the clock again and it's around 5:50 and I hear a doorbell. "Coming!!" I shout as loud as I can. I gather my things as quickly as I could and put them in my small black bag and went downstairs.

"Hey you!" I say as I open the door and I see Matt's jaw nearly hitting the floor completely astonished. "Wow, Katalina." He takes a pause admiring me. "You look so beautiful." He says at me and I blush. "Awee thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." I do a curtsy playfully. "Your chariot awaits." He says taking my hand leading me to the car. He opens the car door for me which was a pretty romantic gesture at least in my opinion and I get inside as he does the same and we drive off.

As he was driving, I looked at him in awe. He was wearing a blue and white striped shirt and some black jeans with black and white converse. I absolutely adored his outfit. "Uhh stalker much?" He says playfully while looking at me. "Just admiring you." I say continuing to stare at him. He takes one hand off the steering wheel and grabs my open hand on my left thigh. I blush. "Is this okay?" He asks. "It's more than okay." I say while turning on the radio.

We finally get to Whataburger and the place is like a ghost town. He opens my car door while putting out his hand to escort me out of the car even though I can do it myself. I take his free hand and I hop out the car and we walk in the Whataburger. We waited in line and we were still holding hands so I decided to take his hand and put it in my back pocket like in 16 candles. It was our turn to order so we go up to the cashier and place our orders. We picked a free table and sat down. We make small talk like asking how our days have been and then he brought up Brockhampton and I just go all out.

Convo starts now:

So, you like brockhampton right?

Like would be a understatement. More like adore.

When did you first get into the band?

Well it all started when I was on Spotify taking a shower.


So I was playing my daily mix 1 playlist and I heard this song called "Waste" come on and I instantly fell in love. Then I looked at Sat 1 and 2 and I fucking loved it a lot. I wasn't really hard core about you guys until maybe Sat 3.

What happened then?

I became obsessed. Not only with the music but with the members. I've listened to some of your solo stuff and "MTV1987 " by Kevin Abstract before "Waste" but I never really thought much of it.

Well which songs did you listen to off Kevin's album and my Harley EP?

I first listened to "Degas Park" and "Drugs" and those are still my favorite songs. But when I heard "Snakes" that's when I became a hardcore fan of your stuff. At first I only listened to "Fangs" but then I opened up my mind more and listened to "Burn" and "Girl Next Door" and I absolutely love your stuff.

Wow. So when did you start getting into knowing the boys and myself?

Uhhh. About maybe 6 months ago. I watched the Nardwuar interview and then I got really hooked. I literally called you my husband for 5 months until I realized it kind of got annoying. Haha.

"Husband" I like the name of it.

Don't get any ideas!! *laughs*

End of Convo

The server brought us our food and we started eating. After we got done eating our food Matt says "Hey, I don't wanna end the night right now. If you're up for it, wanna go to downtown?" "Yes please." I say and we throw our trash away and go to the car.

We arrived at downtown and Matt parks the car. He opens my door and I grab his hand escorting me out and we walked around taking in the scenery. As we were walking I saw next to this arcade there was this little podium where it was shaped as a dome, I hear my favorite slow song "Quiver" by Bearface play on the speakers. "May I have this dance?" Matt asks me putting his hand out. "Of course." I say taking his hand and walking over to the little podium.

We go inside the podium and he puts his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders and we danced the night away. At the end of the song he spins me around catching me in a dip style form and looks into my eyes and kissed me. It was like as it was out of a fairy tale. "Oh Mr. Champion! You smooth fucker." I say playfully and I lean in and kiss him.

Right now it's about 10 pm and I ask him to take me home because I have school in the morning and he agrees and takes me home. We get to my place and he walks me up to my door. "I had a really fun time tonight." Matt says. "So did I." I say. "Goodnight Katalina." He says giving me a goodnight kiss. I pull away after 5 seconds "Goodnight Matt." And he gets into his car and leaves.


Hi, so I hope you like this chapter, sorry it was a little long. I wanted to make it very detailed. Happy Halloween! Bye!

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