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I just woke up and I feel absolutely amazing. My heart is full of happiness and life just seems 100 times better than normal. I check my phone to see a bunch of good morning texts from Matt.

Messages start now:

Good morning beautiful ❤️😭

We start tour in about a week officially. So I have time to waste and there is nobody I would rather waste time with than you. Would you like to go on a date with me today? ❤️

Good morning Matt❤️, of course I would love to go on a date with you!!


Uhhh I mean that sounds great Kat. Where do you want to go?

Haha❤️ I kind of want to go to the mall today, are you down to go?

Of course baby❤️ I'll be there in 30, have to get ready first. I cannot wait to see you my love❤️

Yay❤️ See you then my love :)

Message ends now.

I quickly hop out of bed because I am low on time and I rush downstairs and start on my green tea. I fill the kettle with about a cup of water and put it on the stove which is on high so it would be hot faster. While my water is getting hot I open a drawer revealing a box which inside has a bunch of green tea packets. I remove one from the box and put the box back in my drawer. I remove the packet from the tea bag itself and throw the trash away. After, I put my bag in a cup I took from the cabinet, I leave the string out and lift the kettle pouring the hot water into my cup. Then I rush back upstairs to start on my hair and makeup.

I take my hair and part it in the middle and start to French braid each side. I finally finish my braids and now I start on my makeup. I do a full face of minimal makeup showing the glowness of my skin. After I finish my makeup routine I set it with some rose water to give an extra shine and set my makeup into place. Then I walk out of the bathroom and go to the closet. I decide to wear my white NASA tee with a black overall dress and my short black bootie heals.

It has been around 30 minutes and I hear the doorbell. I grab my black cross bag with my wallet and phone inside and I take myself downstairs carrying the empty cup with me. I get downstairs and before I open the door I put my used teabag in the trash and my cup in the sink. I finally get around to answering the door and behind it I see Matt with his cute smile.

"Hello gorgeous" he says giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I blush "Hello good sir!" I say curtsying playfully. He takes out his hand and I take his hand intertwining our fingers together. I shut the door behind me locking it and walk to Matt's car which is in my driveway. "Here you are." He says while opening the car door for me. I smile and get inside letting go of his hand. He gets in to the other side and starts the car and drives off.

"Hey, so I know this might be weird but I made a playlist of our favorite albums so when we are hanging out we can sing along to them." He says while we are getting on the highway. "Haha, that's amazing." I say blushing. "Here." He gives me his phone and I open Spotify to see a playlist named "Katalina <3" I smile. I play "Ivy" by Frank Ocean which is on the playlist and we start singing along. While we are singing the song he takes my hand and kisses the back of it. It's the best feeling ever! Soon as the song is over we have arrived at the mall.

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