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We got in the car and I just can't help but think of Matt. He was so perfect, so amazing. I never met anyone as cool and great as him. He is just amazing.

As I was staring out the car window infatuated, Garson noticed me. "Hey Kat, everything alright?" he asks. "I just met Matt Champion." I say completely shocked. "REALLY?!?" "IN 7/11?" he asks. "Yes." I reply. Garson has had a crush on Matt Champion after hearing "Home" on All American Trash when it was released. "Tell.Me.Everything." He says. So I did and by the time I was finished explaining we were home.

We got home and started watching 16 Candles but all I could think about is Matt. I have the biggest crush on Matt. I always have since I was 16. Matt is just so adorable and funny. I honestly adore him so fucking much. I can't believe we met.

As 16 Candles was ending, Garson was getting sleepy as hell. He passed out 2 minutes later. I turned off the tv and got him a blanket. I texted him that I left the house and returned the movies to the gas station. Then I called an uber to take me to the gas station.

As I was pulling up to the gas station I notice a familiar figure standing outside the store smoking a cigarette. It was Matt. I get out of the car paying the uber driver and go up to Matt. "Hey Matt." I say staring into his beautiful hazel eyes. "Hi Katalina." "What brings you back here?" He asks with a smile on his face. "Oh, my friend Garson fell asleep watching 16 candles so I decided to return the movies." I explain. "What movies did you get?" "I got Weird Science and The Breakfast Club as well as 16 Candles." "Well I have nothing to do.. do you maybe want to watch those with me tonight?" He asks. I'm at a gas station around 3 am getting invited to watch movies with Matt Champion. Who wouldn't fucking say yes? "Yeah, I'd love to Champion." I tell him, We got into his car and left.

"So who's house we going to, ma?" He asks. My heart instantly drops to the sound of "ma". "Well my roommate is home with her boyfriend but I do know this one place we can go to." I say. "I have a reward membership to a hotel that's nearby and on that membership I have a coupon for a free night if you want to go there?" I ask. He agrees and takes direction to the hotel nearby.

The whole time we were driving we were singing along to Frank Ocean and other artists. We got to the hotel and I went up to the front desk. I filled out my information getting a room for tonight. As I was signing the papers and I see out the corner of my eye Matt checking out some of the snacks at the front desk. "You can get some if you'd like?" I tell him. "Okay what would you like?" He asks. "Umm a kit kat would be nice?" I tell him. I finished signing the papers and Matt comes over with a lot of food for tonight. He puts it all on the desk and pays for all of it. "What a gentleman" I mock him playfully. "Anything for you m'lady" he plays along. We get our snacks and go to our room.

We get in our room and we notice there is only 1 bed. Me and Matt look at each other and blush. "So which side you taking?" He asks. "Whichever side you want me to." I reply. He decided he wanted the left side so I took the right. He plops down the snacks on the bed and I pop in The Breakfast Club disk into the tv and the movie starts.

I lay in bed with Matt eating my kit kat in a "kourtney kardashian way" pinching myself each minute to make sure I wasn't dreaming. As we got deeper and deeper in the movie, me and Matt started to cuddle a bit. It was fantastic. By the end of the movie we were full on cuddling and I felt so safe in his arms I couldn't help but smile.

The movie was over and it was a little after 5 am. "Wanna watch weird science?" I ask in a sleepy voice. "Nope, haha I'm way too tired." He says in his sexy raspy voice. "I'd rather just lay with you.". When he said that my heart dropped and I couldn't help but just be in awe with him. I clear the bed of all the snacks and mess we made and turned the tv off. After that I laid in bed with him and we fell asleep. Best night of my life.

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