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I take off my converse and set it by the door and go upstairs. Soon as I went upstairs I changed into some booty shorts and my Harvard sweater and tie my hair into a messy bun. As I was putting coconut oil to remove the makeup I had on, I couldn't help but think about tonight.

Tonight was one of the best nights I've ever had romantically. He just makes me fill up with joy and happiness whenever I think of him. His kiss makes me feel like nothing can hurt me and I love it. I know I've said that I have been in love with him since 16 but this time... this time makes me realize how much I truely love him.

I finish removing my makeup and start to put on my cleanser. Which is when I got a text from Matt.

Message starts now:

Hey Kat, I know it's late for you but tonight was one of the best nights of my life. Thank you for letting me take you out and making my dreams worth while. Just seeing your face makes me obsessed with you. When you laugh you make me radiate with happiness. Thank you for making me happy and I hope you had just as great of a night as I had with you. Goodnight. Sweet dreams ❤️.

Oh my fucking god Matt. You are so fucking sweet. Thank you for taking me out and of course I had an amazing night. Every day is a amazing day when I'm with you. You make me glow. Goodnight, see you tomorrow. ❤️

Message ends now.

Oh my fucking god. I may or may not be tearing up right now. I put some toner on my acne scars and pimples and wipe the tears off my face. Wow. I cannot believe this is happening. I put on moisturizer and get myself in bed before dozing off to the thought of Matt holding me.

Fast forward to Monday around 4:00..

I just got out of school and I'm so glad to be out of that hell hole oh my god. I get in my car and drive over to "Stan's Liquor" to get some gum and some cherry grenadine for Cara. I walk inside to get the things I needed and I got straight to the gum isle. I'm having a hard time choosing between spearmint stick gum or some pink bubble gum in the shape of a wheel. "I think you should choose the wheel, it reminds me of childhood." Says someone behind me.

I turn around to see Kevin Abstact, Merlyn Wood, and Dom McLennon behind me from Brockhampton and I squeal. "Oh my fucking god. Hi. I am in love with you guys. Ive been a fan of Brockhampton for almost 3 years now. And I'm going to see you guys in November!" "Really?" Merlyn says. "Yep. Is there a chance I can take a picture with you guys?" "Yeah of course!" Kevin agrees. I go to Dom first. I take a couple photos with Dom, then Kevin, and lastly Merlyn. I thank them for helping me get through things and for changing my life, and I go to pay for the gum and the grenadine.

"Wait, there's something want to talk to you about Katalina." Kevin says while grabbing my hand forcing me to stay with them. "Is there anyway you can go with us to the Brockhampton house?" Kevin says. "Yeah of corse Kevin. But first I need to pay for this." I laugh afterwards and I pay for my things. I get my receipt and I follow the boys out the store and get in my car, following them to the house.

I arrive to the house and I feel like it is a dream. I've only seen this house in their music videos and it feels so surreal to be in the presence of the Brockhampton house. I park in the drive way and get out of the car as do they. "Don't worry." Merlyn says to me. "Matt is gonna be at the skatepark for about 2 hours and I've already told the boys about your arrival." He smiles his bright white smile at me and I can't help but smile back as we walk into the house.

The first thing I notice is how big it is on the inside. It has so much space and the floors are so beautiful. "Can you sit down on the couch?" Dom asks me and I sit on the big beige couch following his order. "Would you like anything to drink?" Kevin asks and I ask for a water which he gives me. "Boys! She's here!" Merlyn says. Next thing I know I see Joba, Romil, Kiko, Jabari, Kevin Doan, Ashlan, Robert, Jon and Ciarán come towards me and I nearly pass out.

I shriek and start shaking just looking at Ciarán and Joba. "So this is the famous Katalina Gutierrez." Ciarán says in his beautiful Irish accent. "Yep" Kiko says. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask. I honestly think they are going to kidnap me. If they did I would be honored. "Matt." Jon says. "Want me to explain everything?" All the boys nod their heads.

"We met at 7/11." Dom, Jabari, and Romil giggle. "He bumped into me and we kind of talked and then I left to go watch movies with my friend Garson. Then I came back to the 7/11 to return the movies because Garson fell asleep. When I did, Matt was outside smoking a cig and we started talking and then I rented a hotel and we watched the movies I rented together and fell asleep." "GET THAT DICK KAT!!" Kevin says causing everyone to laugh. "Okay okay, then he took me home because I didn't have a car and I left my bag in his car causing him to come back to my place. He gave me my bag and there was a note from Matt with his number in it so we started texting." I continue and the boys are blushing giving me a mushy cute look. "And we continued to hangout since." I say ending my sentence. "So did you guys fuck?" Ciarán asks causing me to giggle. "Nope" I say. "Are you guys dating yet?" Robert asks. "Nope." I sigh.

I get a call from Cara begging me to come home. "Sorry guys I have to go, roommate problems." I say. "But thanks for having me over and I hope I answered everything you wanted to hear." I say leaving the house and the boys escort me out. "Bye Kat!" They all day in unison and I leave the house feeling depressed afterwards.


Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted recently. I was busy with school and my birthday yesterday. But thank you for close to 100 reads. I hope you like it so far.

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