Ch. 23- Hit Me with Your Best Shot

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The girl looked up at me with her sad eyes. "Yes?"

"This is Tom. He is going to be helping us with your training."


"Yes. You are going to need to be well prepared to take on Katrina."

"..Oh...Okay.... Nice to meet you Tom."


Tom didn't say anything. He just nodded his head in response. Tom was one of my strongest associates. He had been helping me train my Demon soldiers for years. He was tough inside and out. One couldn't live through the things he has gone through and not be as tough as nails. But you could not get him to talk about those experiences. The things he has seen are too dark for even me to know about. Tom was tall, almost 7 feet. He had jet black hair and jet black eyes to match. He was dark as night. He stood with his muscular arms crossed over his muscular chest, and he had a permanent scowl plastered on his face.


I looked at Tom and then back to Kalila. "Let's get started."


We led Kalila into a dark room. There were no windows and the only light came from a low swinging light bulb that hung from the middle of the room. The room was empty other than a television and a chair. The chair was fully equipped with straps to hold whoever was sitting in it firmly in place.


Kalila looked up at me with fear in her eyes at seeing this menacing looking chair. I ignored her gaze and led her into the chair. She nervously sat and Tom strapped her hands and feet tight onto the the chair.


"Wha...Wha...What are you doing to me?" Kalila asked us with her voice shaking.

Tom once again said nothing. As a small gesture of comfort, I rested my hand on her shoulder. "Kalila. You are a nice, sweet girl."

"Uhm.... Thanks."

"And that is exactly the problem with you. If you truly want to help us. You need to be ruthless. You need to have no emotions, no fear. If you are left the way you are... You will never succeed."

"Uhmmm... Maybe I'm not what you guys need. Maybe I should just go home. I'm not tough. I'm not ruthless. Maybe I can help in some other way. I'm not what you guys need."

A deep, frightening chuckle escaped from Tom. "Honey, when we are done with you... You will be exactly what we need."


I walked over to the TV and flipped it on. Mitch and Katrina flipped on the screen. The two were in Katrina's apartment, laying in each other's arms.


"Wha...What is this?" Kalila asked, clearly on the verge of tears.


Tom and I started to walk out of the room as Katrina and Mitch started to kiss on the screen.


"'I love you, Katrina. So much.'" Mitch whispered seductively into Katrina's ear.

With our backs turned, we could hear a loud sob escape Kalila's mouth. "Why are you doing this to me?!"


Tom and I left the room and closed the door behind us. Even in the hallway we could hear it, as the sound of Katrina and Mitch's love making got louder, so did Kalila's screams.




I stared directly into Kalila's eyes. They were dead, no emotion was coming from behind them. And the expression on her face matched. Heck, there was no expression on her face.


Kalila had been locked in that room, watching her love and her sister for one whole week. She had been brought food and water but other than that, she stayed in the room. Her emotions rotting away to nothing. Since we let her out this morning, she had said nothing. She had not made any sign that there was any emotion or any bit of the girl she used to be left in her body. She was ready.


Kalila, Tom, and myself all stood in a large gym. I was passing back and forth in front of Kalila as she just stared off into space.


"Kalila..." I said still walking in front of her, not expecting her to respond to me in anyway. "Do you know why you're here... DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU'RE HERE!!!" I shouted into her face, still not expecting a response. "I'll tell you why you are here. You are here, because you have been betrayed. You were weak. And you put your trust into those who could not be trusted. And what did they do with your trust? I said, WHAT DID THEY DO WITH YOUR TRUST!?!?! I'll tell you what they did. They took everything away from you. EVERYTHING YOU CARED ABOUT!!! Your sister. Your own flesh and blood, took your love away. And you may try to justify their actions by saying, 'They cannot help who they fall in love with.' Well, I'm here to tell you. That's a bunch of bull. 'Cause you know what? Your precious God, your precious Heaven, your precious Jesus, your precious mother, your precious Mitch... they all knew what would happen. THEY ALL KNEW THAT MITCH WOULD FALL FOR KATRINA AND LEAVE YOU!!! THEY ALL KNEW THAT YOU WOULD END UP... alone." I saw a faint flicker of anger flash across Kalila's emotionless eyes. "That's right. The people you cared about. The people you loved. They all betrayed you." I walked up right in front of Kalila and stared right into her eyes. "Now, let me ask you... are you ready... to hurt them like they've hurt you?"


Kalila's lifeless eyes started forward into mine. Then... they changed. Her lifeless, empty eyes. Her dead, expressionless face. Flashed with anger. "I'm ready," she said forcefully.

I couldn't help it. I let a smile spread across my face. "Good. But to beat them. You are going to need to be trained. You are weak now. Tom here is going to help you become a lean, mean, fighting machine. So let me ask you again... Are you ready."

"Yes, Sir."

"I said, ARE YOU READY!?"


I chuckled slightly, "Well then, let's begin."


Tom stepped forward in front of Kalila. He was cold and ruthless. And he sent one firm, rough punch straight into Kalila's face. She was instantly thrown to the ground, where she struggled to pull herself back up.


"FIGHT BACK!" I yelled in command."


Kalila weakly sent her fist flying towards Tom. He easily deflected it and sent a hard punch straight into her gut. She stumbled back and after regaining her balance, charged forward. Sending a stream of weak punches at Tom. He easily dodged all of them and lifted his leg, giving her one firm kick. She was once again thrown to the ground, where it did not look like she would get back up.



With a new found strength, Kalila pulled herself up and off of the ground. She walked right in front of Tom. Who took one look at her and laughed. "Hit me with your best shot," he said tauntingly.


In one swift movement, Kalila pulled back her leg and brought it forward, kicking Tom straight in his man business.

I couldn't help it. I bursted into laughter. Tom sent me a dangerous look from where he was crouching on the ground. I sent him an unapologetic look. "This girl is going places."

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