Ch. 19- Baby, Don't Hurt Me

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I watched his chest move up and down as he slept. He lightly snored, making the cutest whistling noise. His hair had gotten messy in his sleep and one golden lock casually fell over his eye. I slowly lifted my hand, trying my best not to wake him, and brushed the hair from his eyes. He slightly stirred in his sleep, stretching his arms out in his sleep. His arm landed stretched out just above my head, and I snuggled up next to him, putting my head gently on his chest.


"Good morning beautiful," I heard his voice say softly, bringing his arm down to wrap around me.

"Good morning. Go back to sleep. I didn't want to wake you."

"No, no. I don't mind. Now I can see your beautiful face."

I lifted my hand and gently hit his chest. "Oh, shush. You're just saying that."

"Now why would I lie to you?"

"Because you want a kiss?"

He paused for a moment. "Well... You got me there."


I laughed and reached up to kiss him. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, but it warmed my insides. This man, this man right here, made me so incredibly happy. Happier than I have been in such a long time. My life has always been dark, but he made it bright. It might sound so cheesy, but I mean every word. Nothing mattered anymore; my sister didn't matter to me, Dev didn't matter to me, Jasmine didn't matter to me, Quinn didn't matter to me, and those people up in Heaven could eat my shorts. I was happy.


He smiled down at me. His smile was so full of love and there was such a brightness in his eyes that made me smile. "You are so beautiful and so amazing. I love you."

My heart skipped a beat. Any girl would be so happy to hear their boyfriend say those words. Not me. "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Well, of course."

"... Do you really think I'm beautiful? Or do you just think Kalila is beautiful? 'Cause it's all the same thing, right?"

Mitch sat up, looking puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

"Exactly what I said. Do you think I'm beautiful? Or are you just still in love with my sister?"

"Katrina. I'm with you? I left your sister for you? I think you are beautiful!"

"You know we are two totally different people right!? As different as light and dark! You can't have us both! You either love me.... or her." I yelled, jumping off of the bed to seem more threatening.

"....I will always love Kalila.... But not anywhere as much as I love you. It's you Katrina."

I turned my back. Not wanting him to see the small tear falling from my eye. "You can't love us both."

"Katrina. Don't be ridiculous."

I spun around to face him, mad as ever. "DON'T CALL ME RIDICULOUS!" I screamed with a small cloud of fire bursting out of my mouth at the end, nearly burning Mitch in the process. He jumped off the bed and across the room. For a moment we just stared at each other. I was heavily panting with anger, and my claws and teeth were exposed, ready to strike at any minute.


In the blink of an eye, Mitch came across the room before I could even have time to raise my sharp claws. He grabbed onto my face and pulled me into an incredibly rough kiss. The air around us started rushing by again. I couldn't move a single muscle as the atmosphere around us began to change. Mitch's hands tightened his grip around my face, and seconds later we were being ripped apart from each other.

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