Ch. 22- The Warning

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"I'm going to repeat this one more time, Jasmine. You need to leave me alone."

"But Baby."

"No, Jasmine. Leave. Now."

"Baby, let me fix this."

Dev stood and smashed his hands down on the desk. "You've done enough! Go! Now!"


I ran out of the room, tears welling in my eyes. I knew Dev would be mad at me for pushing Mitch and Katrina together. But he is mine! He shouldn't be so mad about it. And the prophecy says they were going to be together anyways. I thought that maybe I would just push the prophecy along a bit. Then, the end of the prophecy, aka., the end of Katrina, would come about so much faster.


As I ran out of the room, I passed Dev's best friend and advisor, Quinn, walking into Dev's office. He did not pay any attention to me. Quinn opened the door and I heard him start talking about Katrina and Mitch. I had to know what they were saying. What if Dev told Quinn that he was going to leave me over this? I had to find out!


I entered the elevator and went one story up--to my secret hiding place. On this floor was some old abandoned offices that once belonged to Julius Caesar when he was working with Dev. I went to the main lobby and crouched behind an old statue. These offices were abandoned but security still stopped on this floor on their route. Behind here, I would not be seen. Next to this old statue, was a not so old vent. The air duct led right above Dev's office and was sturdy enough that I could crawl inside.


When I made it over the vent that gave me visibility over Dev's office, I saw that Quinn and Dev were no longer inside. I huffed in frustration. All this work and they were no longer in the office. I started to slowly back out of the air duct when the door to Dev's office opened and Quinn and Dev walked back in the room. Dev walked to his desk and I noticed that the flash drive that held the prophecy was in his hand. He set up the device and opened the prophecy.


"Is that it?" Quinn asked my husband.

"Yup." Dev responded.

"So, where is the part on my daughter being defeated?" Quinn asked Dev.


Good, I thought to myself. Dev was not going to leave me. Quinn was just concerned about Katrina...which he should be. After the the two read over a portion of the document, Quinn stood back.


His voice quivered as he spoke. "...I'm gonna lose my baby girl?"

Dev looked at his friend. "Quinn... don't do that to yourself. Be positive. She has been trained. She will be ready for the battle, and she will win."


I silently scoffed to myself. Yea right.


Quinn was visibly shaking. "Come on Dev! The prophecy is going to come true. The Mitch thing was right...She's my daughter."

Dev stood, looking sexy as ever. "Which is exactly why we are gonna make sure that doesn't happen."

Just then, the intercom on my husband's desk buzzed and I heard the annoying voice of his assistant. "Dev, you have someone to see you."


Who on Earth would be visiting my husband unscheduled.


"Send them in, Bri."


Dev's office door opened to show a very scared looking Kalila.


Quinn was across the room in a second, grabbing her shoulders. "How dare you come here!?"

"I...I...I...I came to talk to Dev"




I ran threw the New York City streets, disgusting humans giving me catcalls along the whole way. I had to warn someone. I knew my husband was planning something bad. I hated Katrina, but she was the closest thing I had to a girl friend. And even though Dev loved Katrina, Kalila offering her allegiance to Dev could not be good for Katrina. Heck, it couldn't be good for any of us. The prophecy talks about Kalila's amazing abilities, and I for sure wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of them.


In a run down neighborhood, I reached Katrina's apartment building and headed down to the basement. I banged on her door for what seemed like forever before the door opened revealing a shirtless Mitch.


"Well, hello handsome," I said flirtatiously at the sight of his abs, forgetting all about why I had come.

Mitch looked at me confused, "And you are?"

I placed my hand on my side and cocked my hip, "Is Katrina here?"

"And who should I say is here?"

I was done with this conversation. I pushed past Mitch and shouted into the apartment, "Katrina!"

Katrina came out of a back room and gave me a very confused look, "Jasmine?

Wha...What are you doing here?"

"I have to tell you something!"

Katrina plopped down on a beat up old couch and sighed, "What is it Katrina?"

"It's Kalila..."

Mitch stepped forward from behind me and asked nervously, "What about Kalila?"

Katrina growled from the couch, "Yes...What about Kalila?"

Mitch grabbed my shoulders and gave me an intense stare that sent a shudder through my body. "If she's hurt you have to tell us right now!"

I opened my mouth to speak just as Katrina stood from the couch and stalked over to Mitch's side. She pulled Mitch away from me and whispered angrily in his ear. When she turned back to me, she clearly looked annoyed. "Jasmine, just tell us what you have to say and get out."

"Kalila came to Dev and told him that she would work for him! That she would do anything he wants her to! She wants to get back at you for taking Mitch from her, and I don't know what they are planning but it can't be good...for any of us..."


Katrina turned her back to me and walked to the opposite side of the room, leaning her head up against the wall. Mitch just looked at me like he was confused as hell. The room was absolutely silent.


Mitch was the first one to speak. "....So what does this mean?"

Katrina turned to face us. Her face was hard, showing no emotions, but her eyes showed everything she was thinking. They were being flooded with memories of the past. "...It means Dev is going to take her to bootcamp... It means Kalila is going to become an emotionless fighting machine... They are going to beat her down and build her up as exactly what they need... She is going to come back to us a totally different person... And when she does come back......"

"What? What will happen?" Mitch asked frantically.


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