Ch. 24- You Started It

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It was storming outside. No. It wasn't just storming outside. It was raging. Rain poured down from the heavens and the sky was shattered by fierce bolts of lightning. The wind whipped through the streets of New York. Thunder shocked the very core of the apartment.


I sat on the couch, aimlessly looking out the window. My heart and mind were racing just as fast as the wind outside. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know what to feel. Kalila. Sweet Kalila. Working for the other side? There was no way. This must be some sort of mistake. She would never do that. She loved Heaven. She loved God. She loved me?


Drumming my fingers on the armrest in thought, I tried to come up with some sort of explanation. Mind controlling aliens must have come down to Earth and taken over Kalila. She was bashed over the head and forgot who she was. She was brainwashed. There has to be some reason she would work for the Devil of all people.


Gnawing at the back of my brain was a thought. A terrible thought that I did not want to recognize. But this same place in my brain was also thinking that this thought was probably right. And that was even worse than the thought itself. I shook my head vigorously back and forth, trying to shake this thought from my mind. Each time I thought I had managed to get rid of this evil thought, I realized I was thinking of it again.


What if? Just what if? Kalila was doing this 'cause of me. She loved me. I know she did, and I did love her, just not as much as I love Katrina. Is it possible that she joined the Devil because of me? Because I wouldn't be with her? Would she really do such a thing over me? I only wanted the best for her. I never wanted to hurt her... I had to know...


"Hey babe," Katrina said plopping down on the couch next to me. She leaned over to me and planted a sweet kiss on my cheek. I looked at her and managed to give her a weak little smile before turning back to staring at the wall. "Honey, what's wrong?" She asked placing her hand gently on my shoulder.

I sighed deeply. I didn't know if I should tell her or not. It didn't seem like the smartest thing to do. Telling the love of my life that I can't get my ex off of my mind? But Katrina is the love of my life. I should share things with her. And it's her sister. She is probably just as concerned. "I'm worried about Kalila..."

Katrina looked away from me. Shit. She was she mad or was she concerned too? I couldn't tell with her back turned to me. Then, she looked back to me, and I saw it. The annoyance was plastered all over her face. "Seriously? You're worried about her? She is the one that joined Dev. Why are you so concerned? You should be concerned about us! She is going to try to break us up or something worse. And you're worried about her!?"

"Well... Yeah..."

Katrina jumped up from the couch and started down at me menacingly. "Come on Mitch!!! Why do we have to keep doing this?! You're not with her anymore! You're with me! And if you want to be with me. You have to stop thinking about her! You have to pick... You have to pick me or her... Now."


I started off at the wall. I love Katrina. I really do. But how could she not understand? It's not that I don't love her. It's not even that I love Kalila more than her. But I loved and cared about Kalila for years. How can I just totally stop? I can't. I will always love and care for Kalila. But Katrina is the one I want to be with forever. I can't lose her.


Katrina mistook my silence for an answer. "Okay... If it's her you want... You can just leave," she said crossing her arms and turning her back to me. Even with her trying to play tough, I could hear the tears she was letting loose. I could hear her staggered breathing.

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