Ch. 5- Surprise Visit

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I ran into my basement apartment, closed the door, and sank to the floor. Fuck! A small flame burst from my mouth, but I quickly closed it. I had failed! The bitch had lived and now she is gonna be all over the news, becoming even more fucking famous!

“Katrina! I’m so glad you're home!”
“Katrina! How was your day?”
“Katrina! I love you!”
“I love you more!” “I love you more!” “No! I love her more!” My followers yelled, seeing that I had come home.
“Yes Katrina,” they all said in unison. I swear, sometimes it is just so annoying having all these guys trailing after you.

I paced around the room. How could I have been so stupid? Leaving my thoughts wide open like that. I should’ve known that she would read them. I picked up the nearest object to me, the remote, and chucked it across the room. The TV clicked on. The news.

“Police believe that Kalila was the target of the attack. The superstar, shown here, was acting frantic seconds before the blast. Police still have no leads. Anyone with information is asked to call...”
“ARGH!” I ran to the TV and kicked a hole right through the screen.
“Someone’s cranky,” a voice said behind me. 
 I spun around, “Dev.”
Dev began circling me, “Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I have a strange feeling. That you may be responsible for the blast. It was a good plan, just poorly executed. Don’t worry. You’ll get her.”
“What are you doing here?” I spat.
Dev walked over to me and caressed my face, “I missed you.”
“Yea. That’s why you threw me across the room. What would have happened if you hadn’t stopped when you did? Would you have killed me?”
“Of course not.”
“Well, it sure seemed like you would have!” I yelled.

Dev was by me in seconds, pulling my face into mine, and kissing me with a powerful force. We kissed for a few minutes until he gently lifted me up and carried me to the bed. I wrapped my legs around his beautifully sculpted body. He held me in his arms as if I was a delicate porcelain doll. Our tongues curiously searched each other’s mouths. I could feel him growing down below.

“Hey Katrina. Whatcha doing?” One of the followers asked, bending down next to my bed.
“GET OUT!” Both Dev and I yelled at the same time.
Dev and I looked at each other again. “Dev. What are we doing?”
“Well, I was hoping we would...”
“You’re married.”
“She doesn’t mind."
“Well... Come on! Who cares if she minds? I’m the devil.”
“.... Well, okay. Let’s do this bitch.”
“No! I think you should leave.”
“Come on.”
“Goodbye Dev,” I said as I rolled over and waited for him to leave. Dev reluctantly got up and left. I sighed, I had to do something to take my mind off of everything.


    I crouched low in the branches of the trees. I needed a stress reliever. So, I was going to spend my day doing one of my favorite things. I was at the park, hiding up in one of the trees. I looked down at the people below. They were all having a wonderful day at the park, not a care in the world. Lucky little humans. Nethertheless, I was going to ruin their day for them. I felt like the moment called for a evil, maniacal laugh. But I couldn’t. I had to remain quiet so that my unsuspecting victims below would not hear me.

I watched a young mother and toddler sitting right below the tree. The toddler was joyfully sucking on a lollipop as its mom was on the phone. She seemed to be arguing with whoever was on the other end, and she was not paying much attention to her child. She stood up and walked to the other side of the tree, leaning against its trunk. Now was my chance! I wrapped my legs tightly around the branch and let my upper torso drop, so I was hanging upside down, swinging in front of the toddler. The toddler laughed and smiled at me. I smiled back, and YANK! I snatched the lollipop from the toddler’s grasp and stuck it in my mouth. The toddler looked at me surprised for a second and then started wailing. I pulled myself back up into the tree as the mother hung up the phone and came to comfort her baby.

“Oh Jackson. Did you drop your lollipop? Mommy will get it for you.” She looked around for the lollipop, “Where did it go?”

I snickered to myself and crawled to the top branches of the tree. I gazed back down at the mother, still searching for the lollipop for her bawling baby. I sucked on the lollipop once more and then chucked it down at the pair. The lollipop stuck right to the mother’s head. I couldn’t help myself but laugh out loud. The mother looked up into the branches but could not see me. Clearly annoyed, she gathered up her baby and their stuff and ran out of the park. I dropped out of the tree and laughed to myself. I felt so much better.


I quietly stalked through the corridor. All is silent except for quiet beeps of machines. I try to remain in the shadows. No one must know I’m here. I look at the names on the doors, trying to find the right one. Around a corner came a janitor, and I ducked into an empty room. He pushed a cart with his cleaning supplies down the corridor, one wheel squeaking the whole way. Once he had passed, I exited the room. I continued down the hallway; I knew it had to be around here somewhere. I heard coughing coming from the room closest to me. I shivered slightly. I hate being here.

I walked around a corner and came upon a nurses’ station. Shit! I ducked behind the corner but it was too late. The sole nurse at the station had seen me.

“Excuse me? Visiting hours are over. I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

I took a deep breath and walked out from behind the corner. I walked straight up to the desk, balled my fist, and brought it down on the back of the nurse’s head. Instantly, she fainted over onto the counter. I hopped to the backside of the desk and started looking through paperwork. Found it. Room 224. Down the hall. But under strict security. Fine with me.

I walked down the hall and saw a security guard. I walked up to him flirtatiously, “Hi, can you help me? My sister just gave birth and I went to get her some food. Now, I’m totally lost.” I looked up at him and batted my eyelashes, looking directly at his dark brown eyes.

“Anything for you Miss.”

“Now, I’m going to go in this room, and I need you to stand guard for me. Think you can do that handsome?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you so much.”

I opened the door behind the huge security guard and crept on in. There she was. Asleep on a hospital bed. The room was dimly lit from the various machines she was hooked up to, beeping quietly showing that she was still alive. I stared down at her sleeping form. Her golden hair framed her face. On her forehead there was a cut with several stitches. She had other various bruises visible on her body.

I lightly touched my sister’s face as a tear dripped down my face, “I’m sorry.”

She slightly stirred in her sleep. I backed away just as she quickly sat up in bed. She looked around the room, sensing my presence. But she was too late. I was already out the open window, flying away into the night.

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