Ch. 18- Helping Out

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I entered the apartment to the sound of her sobs. My heart ached just hearing them. Sighing, I threw my keys on the kitchen counter and walked into the living room. There was Kalila, laying face down on the couch. Her hair was a frizzy mess and she was wearing the same clothes she went to bed in last night, a pair of Mitch's boxers and one of his shirts. Around her was empty bag of chips, pizza boxes, chinese take out, containers of frosting, and jugs of ice cream. The room was completely dark and outside the sky raged. Water poured from the sky and flashes of lightening threatened to tear the sky open. However, the thunder was no competition for the loud sobs escaping from Kalila's lips.


I walked over to where Kalila lay on the couch. I gently crouched down next to her and started rubbing her back, offering her whatever comfort I could. I know that at this point there is nothing I can do to help her. She wants one thing, Mitch. And I can't give that to her. No one can give that to her. Mitch belongs to another now. It is his destiny. I want her to be happy but I can't force a connection between him and her. The universe has a different plan for her. I would love to help her. But at this point, there is nothing I can say to her to help her.


Yesterday, after Mitch had told her, Kalila had run out onto the New York City Streets. I knew she needed to be by herself, but I didn't want her to get hurt so I followed after her. I searched for about a hour and still couldn't find her. So, I called my father. He found her and told me where I could find her. I found her on a bench in the middle of Central Park. From what I knew of her and Mitch, I knew why she was there. It is where they had their first date. Mitch had taken her on a picnic there when he first was assigned to protect her. She was sitting on the bench just staring off into space. She had a blank look on her face and mascara was was smudged all over her face. I sat down next to her and put my arm around her. She put her head down on my shoulder. That's when the sobs started. She sobbed for Mitch. She sobbed for the lost relationship. She sobbed her heart out. And she hasn't stopped since. And at the same moment the sobs started, the rain did. The rain beat down on us and in seconds we were both soaking wet. I picked Kalila up in my arms and carried her back to the apartment.


Now, the sobs continued. Kalila raised her head up and looked at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen. Her face was covered in smudged mascara and her eyes were red and swollen. It nearly broke my heart to see. I wrapped my arm around her and she nuzzled her head in closer to me. I wish there was something I could do. But even with the slight comfort I was giving her the sobs grew louder. I gave her a slight squeeze, stood up, and walked into the kitchen. I put my hands on the counter in frustration and sighed deeply. I just want Kalila to be happy. I wish more than anything that I could take the pain that she was feeling and make it all go away.


In my pocket, my phone started to vibrate. I looked down at the phone and saw that Mitch was calling. I poked my head in the dark living room and saw Kalila still crying on the couch. Then, I sneaked into the hallway to answer the call.



"Hey... How's she doing?"

I sighed deeply. "Not good, man. Not good."

"...You know I never wanted to hurt her. Right?"

"Yea... I know that. But she doesn't. She thinks something is wrong with her."

"Oh my gosh. She should know that she is perfect in everyway... Just not perfect for me."

"I understand that, man. Katrina is your soul mate."

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