"Nice to finally meet you (Y/N) Otoko." He says slowly, making me shiver. I stared the man down.

"Who in the hell are you? And how do you know my name?" I asked, as the dark half of him chuckled.

"Zetsu." Kardama growls. Zetsu ignores me completely, and looks over at Kardama.

"We didn't actually believe you would bring her here. We figured we'd have to force her out. Seems you weren't as useless as we thought." He said to Kardama, making him growl.

"You know this Venus fly trap?" I asked confused, and Kardama sighs and nods.

"Please just go... I'll hold them off as long as I can." He says going into his shadow state.

"I'm not going anywhere until I get answers. And I better get them pretty quick, you know I have a short fuse." I said showing Zetsu my ember eyes.

"I'll explain everything later, please just go before it's-"

"You'll do no such thing. If you leave (Y/N), your precious little Kardama here, dies." Zetsu says, making me look at him in anger.

"Now listen here you over ripe celery stick, if anyone is killing anyone, it's going to be me ripping you in half. So I suggest you Start. Talking. Now." I growled.

"You're very pretty." The white one says.
"Shut up you imbecile." The black one growls.

"Don't make me ask again." I growl, and the black one chuckles.

"Fine, your friend Kardama here, works for us." The black one says, making my head shoot over at Kardama.
"You see, our boss has plans, and unfortunately for you, we need you, for it to be successful." The white one says.
"So we sent him, to get close enough to you, so he'd earn your trust, and you would willingly come work for us. And if that didn't work, then he was to force you, to come with us." The black one added.

"You're lying... H-he's lying... Right?" I asked full of confusion.

"I need you to listen to me. You need to get-"

"Were you really going to do that?!" I asked in anger.

"Please (Y/N), we don't have time for-"

"ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!!" I shouted. He let out a sigh.

"Yes... But that was before I-"

"I trusted you... I TRUSTED YOU!!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.
"My family trusted you... My Sensei... Kakashi even... He started to like you... I trusted you, I fought for you... My father gave you a home and you just...You betrayed us... You betrayed me." I said sadly.

"(Y/N) I-"

"No you shut up. You don't get to fucking talk, unless I speak to you." I said, cutting him off.
"How were you going to force me?"

"(Y/N) please, don't-"

"HOW?!" I spat, making sure to keep my eyes on both Zetsu and Kardama who were now considered my enemy.

"I-I" He let out a sigh.
"If you weren't going to come willingly... I was instructed to kill the ones you loved... Starting with Kakashi. But then I got to know you (Y/N), I had a change of heart... I couldn't do that to you."

"You lied to me before, for all I know, you're lying to me now. I'm going to be sick." I said feeling slightly woozy.
"Listen here, the both of you, cause I'm only going to say this once. You're coming with me, to the Hokage, whether I have to force you myself or not is up to you. I suggest you save yourselves the trouble. I won't hesitate to kill you. You're BOTH my enemy now, and as far as I'm concerned, traitors to the Hidden Leaf." I said coldly.

The Endearment of the Quadrumvirative (Kakashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now