He didn't know much about Night Furies, but he was pretty sure they weren't supposed to look like a fire itself came to life in the form of a be-stared dragon.

"... Just what are you?" Hiccup muttered quietly as he set down his book. He hadn't realized he'd subconsciously picked it up and began drawing her as he glanced up at her a few times. Sunflower's ear twitched indicating she heard him, but he paid no mind. "Are you really a Night Fury? Sure, you look almost like Toothless... but notm at the same time?"

Getting up he wandered over to his bed where that book on dragons Gobber gave the recruits rested. Flipping to the page on Night Furies, he began to flip through the pages after that one to see what he could find. ".... blank. Blank. Blank. Another blank. Defiantly-" He looked up at the dragon who was now looking around his room childishly. "-not you. Blank. Almost the rest of these are blank! So if you aren't a Night Fury, does that mean you're something else? Something of close relation maybe?"

Sunflower's head snapped around to him as she made a cooing noise. "Finally! The human gets it! Here's a fish, I heard from the birds you fleshies like gifts."

Hiccup just stared at the half-eaten fish is disgust but a little grateful it wasn't covered in slim like the one Toothless gave him. "No... I uh, I'm full..." He pushed it back towards her. Sunflower just stared at him for a moment before snorting as if to say "suit yourself" before gobbling it up in a flash. Who was she to get offended? It was just a fish, and she was hungry anyways so the less he ate the more she could stuff herself.

Hiccup let out a sigh as he put the book down and sat on his bed. "I really wish I could understand dragons. It'd make this a whole lot easier..."

Looking at her, he started to think. If not a Night Fury, then what was she? A Fire Wing? Fury Copier? That sounds weird... A Fire Fury perhaps? Maybe, she looked a mix of both - so Fire Fury would be a good name, but it just didn't sound right. Letting out a sigh, the boy lied back on his bed and just stared up at the roof.

He couldn't help but still feel a little stiff with the idea of having a dragon, one that resembled so closely to the breed his home feared the most, staying in his room while he slept. After all, just only a couple of days ago she was trying to snap him in two and just moody the rest after he learned her names.

He was beginning to think it was a female thing.

Asta did the same thing at times too; one moment she'll be all friendly and the next she was ready to snap you in two. A lot of the other females around Berk were similar too.

With another sigh, Hiccup closed his eyes and tried to relax. Turning on his side while using one arm as a pillow he tried to ignore the presence of the dragoness who was now strangely quiet. He was tempted to see why, but he decided against it. He didn't want to risk turning her surprising cheerful mood into a sour one, he almost nearly did earlier.

Sunflower just watched as the human turned on his side, back facing towards her with tense shoulders. The Sun Fury wasn't stupid, she knew that he was a bit wary around her, probably thinking that she was going to attack him in his sleep. And though a part of her deep down told her to just kill him and leave, she couldn't. The thought of doing that actually made her feel a little sick.

Truth be told, she has grown a little... a little attached to the human.

His curiosity reminding of her little sister's when she was younger, and the thought of harming him would've been like her wanting to kill the Light Fury. She couldn't help but chuckle though, Aura would probably have a small hissy fit if she knew Sunflower was fond of a human - especially after what Deathslayer had taught them when they were younger; never, EVER, trust a human or go near one, they were greedy killers who only enjoyed bloodshed and power.

Brightest Night || 1 || HTTYD [Toothless/OC] *BEING REWRITTEN!*Where stories live. Discover now