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"I TOLD YOU, I ALREADY FINISHED WASHING THE RUCKLE BERRY JUICE OUT OF THE SHOWER HEAD!!!!!!!" Sophie heard Keefe shout from inside his room at the Shores of Solace. Carefully, she opened the door. 

"Oh! It's you, Foster!" Keefe said, hastily shoving something under the bed. "Sorry. I thought you were my dad."

"So that's why this place smells like feet," she replied, sniffing the air. Closing the door behind her, she made her way to the bed and took a seat next to him.

"I guess. Every once in a while he deserves to be pranked."

"I actually agree with that," she nodded, thinking about how awful Lord Cassius was to his son.

"So... what brings you here today? I'm picking up some serious stress vibes!"

"I'm worried about you, Keefe," Sophie sighed, "You've been acting kind of strange lately."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, you've been kind of quiet. And serious. And that scares me."

"Yeah," Keefe snorted, "Serious about pranking!"

"I'll give you that," she confessed, "But still...we haven't been seeing a whole lot of you lately. It's like you're trying to ignore us. Please come back, Keefe. We need you. And....I miss you. Team Foster-Keefe, remember?"

"I remember."

"So, what's bothering you? What do we need to do to bring you back?" Sophie challenged.

"I need you to fix me, Foster," Keefe appealed. 

"You know I can't, Keefe. In fact, you told me that yourself. You said I could even fix Exillium, but I  couldn't fix you."

"Well....this is different. And I.... was wrong," Keefe admitted, "In fact, you're the only one that can fix me."


Keefe shrugged. "But first, you have to tell me what's bothering you. And don't say that you just told me. There's something else. So, what is it?"

"No... other than the stress that comes with trying to save the world, I think that's about it," she claimed, sitting on her hands to prevent herself from tugging out an eyelash.

"You'll never learn, will you, Foster?" Keefe smiled, "I'm an Empath, remember? I'm like a living, breathing lie detector." Then his tone turned more serious; "It's something with Fitz, isn't it?"

"I didn't come here to talk about me. Or Fitz. This is about you."

"Well, it's about you now. So what happened?"

"Empaths," Sophie grumbled.

Keefe cocked an eyebrow. "Go on," he said.

She sighed as she reluctantly began to explain her situation. "So, you know how when you kiss someone that you love? There's supposed to be a spark? Well... I don't think I felt it with Fitz. At least not the way Dex described it when he kissed Linh," Sophie gushed.

"Oh yeah. I forgot they were dating now. Innocent little Dex and sweet little Linh are dating, before I've even had my first kiss!" He scowled.   

"Yeah... well, anyways, I figured the spark just didn't feel like I expected it to, but it's been gnawing at the back of my mind ever since we started dating," she confessed.

"Maybe you're not actually in love with him," Keefe suggested.

"What!?" Sophie exclaimed, "Of course I'm in love with him! I've liked him since he brought me to the Lost Cities!"

"Hmmm...," he speculated, "Remember what happened with Dex? He thought that he was in love with you, but his heart was telling him something different. And now that he's let go of those thoughts, he's been able to realize that he actually loves Linh. Maybe the same thing is happening with you. Maybe you think you're in love with Fitz, but you're really in love with someone else."

"But... I do love Fitz! I mean... who else could I be in love with?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "Someone with awesome hair?"

Sophie stayed silent, not sure what to make of that comment. 

Keefe sighed. "What I'm trying to say, Foster, is that you're stuck on the idea that Fitz is 'the one.' I think you need to let go of that thought, and look deeper... Now, who do you really love?"  

She sat in silence for a moment, letting his words sink in. She had never considered it before, but...what if Keefe was right? What if she was just so desperate for Fitzphie to work out, that she had pushed her other feelings away. But if that was the case... Who was she in love with?

"I...I don't know," she hesitated, "But... Fitz is convinced that I'm 'the girl.'"

"You are 'the girl,' Foster. Just not for him," he said. 

"Then what should I do, Keefe?" Sophie worried, tugging out an eyelash, "I mean... I don't want to betray his trust. I really want our cognate think to work out, even if we don't work out. And if I break up with him..."

"You'll find a way, Foster," he encouraged, "You always do."

Again, she sat in silence, evaluating his words. It wouldn't be easy―for either of them―but she could do it. Taking a deep breath, she redirected the conversation, "So. Now that I've told you what's bothering me, it's your turn. So, What's up, Keefe?"   

"The ceiling," he answered.

"I mean it, Keefe," Sophie glowered in reply.

"I...," he hesitated, the heat rising to his cheeks, "I'll tell you later. It's not that important."

"It is if it prevents you from being the Keefe that we all know and love," she challenged, "Please tell me. So you can come back."

"I can come back without telling you."

"Then please do."

"Ok. I'll come back. For you, Foster," Keefe breathed, "Always for you."

ONLY 6 DAYS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just about the only thing I've been talking about for the last two days!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED for Flashback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Secrets Revealed: a KOTLC storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora