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A few weeks later, Sophie was studying for Elven History when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. Opening it, she was surprised to find Dex standing there with a shy smile on his face. She had been expecting her visitor to be Fitz. Since they had started dating, he had been paying her a lot of surprise visits. 

"Oh! Hi, Dex! Come on in!" she greeted.

"Hi Sophie!"

"So what can I do for you?" she asked, sitting on the bed.

Sitting down beside her, Dex shrugged. "I just thought we might talk. We haven't talked in a while."

"Ok. You're right, we haven't talked in a while. I'm sorry I haven't been a very good friend lately," she apologized.

"What? No, Sophie, you're a great friend! You've just been busy trying to save the world again. There's no need to apologize!" 

"I'm sorry. So, what do you want to talk about?" she inquired.

"Well," he cautioned, nervously making a small circle in the carpet with his foot, "Remember when we kissed? You said that when I had my second kiss, you wanted to hear all about it?"

"Yes...," she nodded slowly, interested to see where this was going.

"Well... I had my second kiss, so I came here to tell you about it," he gushed, the heat rising to his cheeks. 

"Who?" Sophie grinned, though she thought she already new the answer.

"Linh," he breathed, confirming Sophie's suspicions. "I asked her out yesterday, and then she kissed me! She took me by surprise, just like you did, Sophie. But somehow it was different this time. Better. Less awkward. More... fulfilling? Anyways, it felt right. I kissed her back, of course. But this time, I didn't want to break away. It felt natural. It made me feel all warm inside. It was so wonderful! It was like I had expected it to be with you," He expressed, a dreamy look in his eyes. 

"Congratulations," Sophie replied, her grin almost as wide as his, "So are you together now?"

"Yep. I talked to Tam this morning. Not an experience I would like to repeat," he shivered, "But he found me 'acceptable' for his sister."

"That's great, Dex! I'm so happy for you!" she congratulated, giving him a brief hug. 

"You know, you were right, Sophie. You never were the one. I thought I was in love with you, but deep down it was Linh. I think I felt the spark that you were talking about. It made it feel like everything was right in the world, even though it obviously isn't. It made me want to stay there, in her arms, forever," Dex confessed. 

"I'm glad to hear it," she replied, thinking back to when she and Fitz had kissed for the first time. It hadn't felt like what Dex was describing. Sure, it had been pleasant, but it didn't make Sophie want to stay there forever, and it certainly didn't make everything feel right. "Have you told your parents?"

"They know," he nodded, "So do the triplets. That's the only bad part about this. Endless teasing from my siblings. But, I guess all I have to do is kiss Linh, and they'll leave us alone. So... how are things between you and Fitz?"

At that moment, there was another knock on the door. "Come in!" Sophie called. Fitz opened the door and stepped inside, but paused when he spotted Dex.

"Well, I've got to go! I'll see you later, Sophie! Bye, Fitz," he exclaimed, jumping to his feet and hurrying out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Fitz stayed still for a moment before coming to his senses. He shook is head, letting the surprise wear off. "What was that about?" he inquired, joining Sophie on the edge of the bed.

She shrugged. "He was just telling me that he asked out Linh yesterday."

"How did Tam take that!?" he grinned.

"Not so well, from the sound of it," Sophie grimaced, "But he agreed to let them date."

"Yeah. Talking with Grady was bad enough. I can't even imagine what it would be like with Tam," he shivered.

"Yeah," she agreed.

"Well, I brought you something!" he told her, handing her a box of Prattles.

"Thanks. You know you don't have to that right? Get all these gifts for me, I mean," she replied, pulling a green-feathered T-Rex pin out of the box. It looked just like Verdi.

"I know. But I want to. Are you up for some cognate training?" he asked.

Sophie nodded, and moved into a criss-cross-applesauce position, as Fitz did the same. He grabbed her hands, and their cognate rings snapped together. 

Her mind replayed her conversation with Dex. Why didn't she feel that way with Fitz? She loved him, so why didn't it feel like Dex described? Maybe it was different for each couple. Sophie took a deep breath, and prepared to enter his mind.

Hey, amazing readers! Thank you for reading this chapter! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been soooo busy with school and theatre and stuff, and I've had terrible writers block. I know where I'm going with this, I just don't know how to get there. 

I'll try to update soon, but no guarantees. I want to finish this before Flashback comes out, but that's unlikely. 10 DAYS, GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who else can't wait!?

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